Chapter 5: What Happend to your Face!

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Laying on the couch with Will's head in my lap, we watch some comedy tv show he enjoys. Kelly is still on shift and the boys are still working on Justin Voight's case. Jake and Alejandro are at a baseball game.

Spending time with Will is therapeutic for both of us.

"Mom, do you miss it?" Confused by just exactly 'it' is, I ask him "being an agent, a doctor, or even in the army. I mean, you're home now, and you are always here with us. But do you ever miss it?"

"No, I don't. If I was still an Agent, I wouldn't have taken this month off, I wouldn't have found out about you and Jay, I wouldn't be sitting here right now with you. I may not know you and your brother well, but hold a special place in my heart"

Rubbing his hair, I listen to everything he tells me. Forgetting all about the show, we just talk for hours.

"There's this woman at work, her name is Natalie. She's six months pregnant. Her husband died while serving. I really like her, but it's just that, it's probably still fresh on her mind"

Thinking of how to give an answer "just give her some time. Be there for her if she needs it, but leave some space between you guys" nodding, we continue to talk about his childhood.

A call interrupts our moment "Amelia Green?" Answering, Maggie is on the other end "you and Will need to get here ASAP, it's Justin."

Hanging up, I softly raise Will's head. "Shoes on Will, we're needed at med. it's Justin"


Justin Voight was developing a common clot.

Amelia Green comes running into the ED with Will hot on his tail "somebody get two sets of scrubs for them!" Silently thanking Maggie, Amelia makes. Be-line for Justin's room.

"Somebody talk to me! What happened to Justin!" Not waiting until someone answers, Amelia sees that Justin is coming back to "hey bud! How are you feeling?"

Justin instantly smiles at the woman "hi Amelia, my stomach hurts, really bad." Doing a routine check-up, "Maggie, let's get an MRI, just to be safe"

Looking around his room, "Has anyone called Hank or Erin? They need to be updated no matter what" seeing Will leaving the room to talk to Natalie, Amelia sits down next to Justin.

Looking at the woman with a questionably look, "what? I'm not leaving until your father and sister get here" glad to have some company, Justin, like all seven of Amelia's boys, loved to open up to the older woman.

Sitting, and listening like she always does, Amelia learns much about the younger Voight who is a spitting image of his father.

Nurse April brings in the results of Justin's CT. Looking at the images, Amelia noticed a simple problem that could turn into something worse if not fixed soon

"What is it, Amelia?" Looking to the young boy, "you have a small blood clot my love. I'm going to put you on a blood thinner for a few days to make sure that no new clot forms" not even hesitating when calling Justin the same name she calls her sons, Amelia and Justin don't notice Hank and Erin standing outside of the door.

Continuing to laugh, Amelia makes sure Justin was not paying attention to her as she put the medicine in. "Your dad and Erin are here, I'll be back to check on you a little later" nodding to the woman, Justin watches her leave and his father and sister come in.

Telling them hello on her way to find Will, Amelia can't help but feel something for the family of three.

"Hey, Maggie! Can I get a text every two hours about Justin?" Agreeing with the former trauma surgeon, Amelia leaves the ED with Will.

"Did you talk to Hank?" Knowing that everyone thinks of her little crush on the man, Amelia shakes her head and drives back to her house "Nope, oh! don't forget that Adam is moving in tomorrow, so, if you have time to help before you head to work, I think he would appreciate it"

Agreeing with Amelia, Will heads to his home knowing that Jay will be over to spend the afternoon with their surrogate mother.


"Amelia? I'm here!" Letting the freckled man know that I'm in the kitchen, Jay comes in with a black eye and a busted lip "What happened to your face!" Gently taking his head in my hands, I began to ask him a million questions "I'm fine ma"

Not believing a word he said, I take his hand in mines and lead him to where I keep my medical supplies. Sitting him down, I start to clean the cuts and wounds that were around the major cut around his top lip.

"I was punched pretty bad by someone I was arresting" After I finished cleaning up his wounds, I lead Jay back to the kitchen. "I heard Chicken Alfredo was your favorite" smiling at me, Jay lets me know that I made his day.

After we ate, I took Jay to the private beach behind my house "who all comes here?" Smiling to him, "just me and you, this is our place." Beyond happy, we take a seat on the beach towels I had planned.

"Can I tell you about my time in the Rangers?" Honored that he would want to share with me, I sit and I listen.

I listen to every story, every painful memory he doesn't want to share, and every heartbreak that he's experienced because of it.

Like with all of my children, I never interrupt them. I want them to know that I'm listening, and that I'm here for them.

Finishing up, Jay lays his head onto my chest "somedays, I just can't mom. I try to put it behind me, but it's hard"

Rocking him, so try to calm him down "it's alright my love, mama will always be right here for you. Day or night" after our talk, I find the courage to tell him about my discharge. "My unit was on a special mission. My officer had spilt us into two,"

Jay gives me his full attention as if he knew how hard it was for me to share with him. "The group I was out in was quickly under attack. They were expecting us to be right there,"

moving the skin from my left shoulder. "This is a scar I have, every time I look at it, I know that those nightmares I use to have were true"

"How do I stop them, mama?" Running his hair, "talk about it, accept what happened, or let it leave on its own. I talked and accepted. Five years later, I never had another dream. Not even on the anniversary of that day"

Watching the rides with Jay. I hum a tune that all the boys have become familiar with. Taking his hand, I lead him back into the house and tell him to shower and get ready for bed.

It may be early, but I know he's emotionally tired. After Jay has gotten himself ready for bed, I sing my tune to him.

"No matter where you are, I am never far. Rain, sleep, snow, or hail, mama will always come to your rescue. No matter how old you get, I'll always be in your heart"

As Jay sleeps, I slowly get up. Kissing his forehead, I leave the room. Kelly is on shift until the morning, and Jake and Alejandro are having a sleepover with the young man next door. Locking all the doors, I head to sleep, early, for the first time in years.

Checking in on Kevin and Will, I go to sleep wondering how my mornings will change with Adam back in the house.

His SaviorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora