Chapter 27: Volleyball

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"Okay, everyone! The game starts at 4 so we gotta hustle!" As Kelly comes down the stairs with Sydney on his shoulders, they wave goodbye to everyone before leaving for the school.

It was finally time for the first Volleyball game of the season, and Amelia was more excited than the whole house combined. This was something that she'd missed doing since her oldest three were in high school.

This would be Amelia's first and last volleyball game for a while, seeing that she is due very soon.

Tommy has left Chicago since leaving the gang. He didn't want to put his family in danger, so he's staying in New York with Olivia Benson and helping out where he can in her unit until everything blows over.

Kissing Kelly and Sydney goodbye, Amelia starts rounding up the rest of the kids and the snacks for Sydney.

Hank made sure to take off for this first game and all future games. Being there for his daughters was something he never wanted to miss.

The nursery was finally complete, and Amelia had finally hired someone to take her spot as head photographer for long term. It was hard for her to hand her position over, but she's still in charge of all decisions as the owner of the company.

Hank and Amelia had secretly started the process of adopting Laurel and Sydney. They didn't want to say anything just in case there were setbacks in the process, or family members wanting to try for custody.

Alejandro has finally finished his treatments and is in complete remission. Amelia prayed every day that for the next five years, they could stay in complete remission for the 'cured' talk.


I'm starting to think that there's a reason that I've never been pregnant as many times as I'd liked. This is a truly stressful process that I don't think I'd like to do again. Very much feeling one and done.

Handing everything to Adam to load into the first suburban, I finally load up all my troops and head to Harlow Academy. Somehow, someway, Adam had convinced me to drive us there, which I was slowly regretting. "Adam if you mess up my car, I swear-"

"I'm gonna be good, I promise"


As the large family packs into the gym, they make sure to stay close enough so that they don't take up too much space. Jay decided to scope out the other team, while Kelly was playing perfect kid in between Hank and Amelia. Laurel was sitting with Erin and Kevin, making sibling bracelets.

Adam was getting his trash talk ready with Will, waiting for the perfect moment to hype their sister and team while staying neutral for the opponents. Kelly, now talking to his mom's bump, takes in the sweet moment.

He remembers all the tears Amelia shed while he was young, the breakdown she had changing the playroom to a boy cave, and having to donate every toy that she never got to put to use. He remembers all the days they would volunteer at med with the infants and toddlers, and how she changed her paperwork after her last foster infant.

He heard every prayer, every tear, every heartache, he saw every look, and he felt the pain when she told himself, Kevin, and Adam that she had to leave Chicago for a while. He wanted to leave everything behind and go with her.

He and Kevin kept their childhood home up, having someone clean it every month. Kelly felt deep down that Amelia would finally come back, and she did. He would never let her leave, not without him.

"I cannot wait to meet you, Princess, you're our savior"

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