Chapter 13: Brother's Keeper

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Alejandro was having a hard time at school. Everyone knew about his whole family. Having cops for brothers and a firefighter as well didn't go too smoothly with the kids at school.

What his family didn't know was that he was the reason Jake got suspended. Someone was quick to talk about Amelia and Alejandro, so Jake defended his family.

Walking into the school, Alejandro was nervous to split from his older brother "text me if you need me, if I don't answer ASAP, call Jay, I know you two are close" nodding to Jake, the Latino boy makes his way to his homeroom.

Most of the kids dislike him for no reason at all. Alejandro doesn't do anything to anyone. He minds his own business, and keeps to himself.

He knew that Jay had a doctor's appointment that morning, so if he needed help, he would have to call another family member. Seeing that the only other person he was open with was Hank Voight, the young adolescent was hoping he didn't have to call in the big guns.

Asking the teacher to use the restroom, Alejandro calls Jay. Jay is the only one who knows about the bullies. He has tried to get his little brother to open up to their surrogate mother about the situation, but Alejandro just shuts down completely.

Not getting ahold of Jay, Alejandro is forced to call Hank.

"Hello?" Hearing the raspy voice, Alejandro knows he can't hang up now "Hank? Can you pick me up from school?" Pacing in the bathroom, Alejandro is praying that his attackers didn't see him leave the classroom. "What's going bud? Are you hurt?"

Wishing he called Will instead so he wouldn't have to explain, "I tried to call Jay, but he's not answering and these guys keep messing with me, I'm scared they'll beat me up again"

"Stay hidden, I'm on my way"


Hank Voight had grown fondly of the youngest Green. Grabbing his jacket, Hank grabs the attention of his unit, "we're taking a ride, heading to Alejandro and Jake's school. Erin call Justin and have him meet us there"

Worried for his brothers, Kevin grabs his jacket and heads down behind his sergeant. Adam, still pissed about what happened less than an hour earlier, "why are we going there? We literally have no reason"

Telling Kevin to hop in his car, Hank Voight turns to the overly dramatic, sensitive, but asshole of a middle child "your brother is being bullied and the other one was suspended for sticking up for him. Shut the hell up and get in the damn car"


Hearing yelling from outside the bathroom, Alejandro Lucia Green was trying to back himself more into the corner of the supply closet connected. "Aly! Where are you bud?"

What Alejandro didn't know was that everyone had been escorted to his schools' gymnasium for an emergency assembly regarding bullying.

Hearing the voice of only father figure Alejandro was coming to love, "I'm in here!" Slowly opening the door, the youngest Green is met by Hank's open arms. "I got you"

As the two make their way to the principal's office, Alejandro spills everything to Hank. "I'm sorry for not telling you and mom why Jake got into the fight, he knew I wasn't ready to ask for help, so he didn't push it"

Making their way into the office, Alejandro sees the whole intelligence unit and his brother, as well as his bullies. "Mr. Green, it has been brought to my attention that these could be the young men bothering you? Is this correct?"

Feeling confident with the unit and Hank behind him, Alejandro confirms that those were the peers bothering him.

The only thing that was said by the bullies before legal matters were discussed was, "you'll always have a target in your back with the family you have. Everyone Voight loves either dies or leaves the city"


Amelia Green is shocked when she sees five of her children and Hank Voight walk into the house "hey guys, is everything alright?"

Jay was laying with his head in his mother's lap. Too comfortable to move, Jay pulls Amelia's hand back into his hair while he turns his attention to the people interrupting his one on one time with Amelia.

With a nod from Hank, Alejandro explains why they are here. Not leaving out a single detail, the tanned-skinned hazel-eyed boy looks to his mother. Amelia is shocked that her baby was being bullied and she never picked up on it.

Jay, on the other hand, was happy to see that his brother asked for help "good job Aly! You can check off numbers 7 and 14"

Confused by what her older son is talking about, Amelia tries to move on. Turning to face Alejandro, "are you sure you're okay sweetie? Do you need anything?"

Seeing as this is his opportunity for him to repay his big brother, "maybe me and Jake can switch schools? Or be homeschooled? And play in the arcade tonight?"

Knowing that he has his mother wrapped around his finger, Amelia agrees with him. While the older kids leave with Hank to head back to work, Jake and Alejandro head to the game room.

Returning to what she was doing with Jay before being interrupted. Amelia watches the drama-filled show with her son.

Jay lays comfortably on the couch. Happy that his younger brother finally found the confidence to tell their mother and Hank what was wrong, Jay send the young boy a text before falling asleep to his mothers singing

To: Alejandro Luca:
You did good today Aly! Proud of you

To: Jake Matteo
I'm proud of you Matteo! You showed us today how to be your brothers keeper

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