Chapter 1: This Better Be Good

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The Intelligence Unit is lost. They have a federal case to hand over, and the original agent happened to be Kevin Atwater's cousin. "I'm telling you, no matter what, she's going to be pissed commander"

The young detectives' cousin is on a yearly month vacation with her kids. They always come to Chicago and catch up with Kevin.

"Call her anyways" the first time he calls, it goes straight to voicemail. Adam Ruzek decides to add in "she doesn't wake up until 2 when she's here. FaceTime her. She'll hear it better"

Agreeing, Kevin FaceTimes his older cousin "she's gonna kill me for this" On the third ring, a beautiful woman answers the phone with her skin glowing in the sunlight that is coming through her room "this better be good"

Hearing her angelic voice, Adam quickly takes over to take the punishment with his ride or die "Brian Waters just escaped prison" sitting up and with a full alert, the former Ranger and Agent are quick to gather her clothes "what district are you guys at? 21st?"

Getting a nod from the two men who were like sons, "I'm on my way"


Walking into the 21st, I'm met by Trudy Platt. "Amelia? You look so good!" Bring the taller women into a huge hug, "me? Look at you Tru!"

Everyone around us looks at me like I'm the impossible. "Where are the boys? How are they doing?" Waking to a set of stairs, "I dropped them off at the firehouse. This isn't a case I wanted them to see or hear about"

Making our way to the top of the stairs, I see Ruzek coming towards me from my peripheral view. I take his arm and wrap it around the back of his body "stop doing that" I let him go and he gives me a hug.

Prying myself from his hands, I walk further into the room to shake the sergeant's hand "hi, I'm Agent Amelia Green-" before I can fully shake his hand, Adam continues to name what I've accomplished "she's also a doctor, federal judge, author, and she has her own force-"

"And I'm a huge fan! I'm detective Upton!" Shaking her hand, I give Ruzek the look and he returns to his seat. "You've got to teach me that look agent" nodding to the sergeant, I continue to familiarize myself with the room.

After being introduced to everyone, we start to go over what is already known about Brian Waters. Hearing my phone ring, I apologize, "Green"

"1300 south grand. I'm in my way as well" sending an okay back, I let the team know that he's hit. Sergeant Voight allows me to take who I want in my car "let's go Halstead" seeing the mood change of Adam, I quickly dismiss it and hand Halstead my keys.

About halfway there, I lay my seat back and crawl to the trunk "need gloves, Halstead?" Laughing at me, he replies with a 'sure'.

Upon arrival, I hop out of the trunk with my bag. Handing Halstead his gloves, my bag, and an order to follow me, I make my way over to Kelly.

"Okay, this is hit seven. So there are two survivors" Upton cuts me off "we only have one though" I take a look at the scene and think back to his riddles

"Waters always says: you can never catch me in time, but my survivors will never live to tell enough of their stories. Fifty feet to the sides is where you'll have the most scars"

Taking a step back, "get 61 one here, ASAP" looking to my right, I notice that that's where the young first victim was found. I turn and run to the left. Kelly and Jay are right on my tail. "Start digging"

Digging until we find the baby, I quickly try to get the dirt and everything else out of their airway "I'm gonna be sick" disregarding his own statement, Jay gets out my camera and takes the needs photos.

After digging my fingers into the child's mouth, I take the water bottle from Kelly and run it over their whole body. Hitting the 6-month-old In her back, she finally starts to cry.

Gabby comes over "get me 6 sticks to take the blood right here, right now. Also, let's get an IV started," I turn to Adam, "Call Sharon and Maggie at Med to let them know I'm coming in. Tell them code 4902" nodding to me, Adam leaves to call.

After everything has been taken, I hop into Ambo 61 with the baby and Hank. Jay drives my car to med, and everyone else is either going back to the district or working the scene. I've gotten the needed photos and walked the scene twice. No need for me to come back.

"How many times have you did that?" Glancing over to the sergeant, "seven. That was the seventh time"


When Amelia walks into Med holding baby Jane Doe, She finds Sharon in a pencil skirt and dress shirt. Not hiding her shock "and you didn't invite me to the pinning? Wow, thought we were close Shar."

Laughing at the woman, the three walk right into Trauma room one. Not needing another Nurse or doctor, they begin to catch up.

Whispering to the two women, "you guys never told me Sergeant Voight was handsome as hell!" Bursting into a fit of laughter, they are all thankful for the needed distraction. "Someone's got a crush"

Smiling over to Maggie, Amelia replies "I do actually. It's kind of weird if you think about it. I mean, I took care of Kelly, Kevin, and Adam since they were what, 16, 17. And now two of them work under him. And now, I've got Jake and Alejandro. Would they be okay with something like that? Would he even want to date me?"

Beginning to feel self-conscious, the woman tries to finish prepping the young child for surgery. "Heard there's another Halstead, think he can scrub in on this with me?"

"You haven't met him yet? How do you know he won't be like Adam?" Knowing that Adam is definitely her mamas' boy, "he won't, plus, if he's anything like his brother, Sunday dinners will be fun"


After getting permission to operate, Amelia green walks around waiting until it was time to operate. She always hated the in-between. Deciding she needed a distraction, she walks into the waiting room of the ED. Finding her youngest of the oldest three, Adam Ruzek, she takes a seat right next to him.

Adam Ruzek's story of how he came to live with her, and be her light was something that many didn't know. Mostly because of how sad the story actually was

Laying his head on the one woman he had to call mom, "mama?" Wrapping her arm around his large body the best she could, "yes my love?"

"I wanna come home" knowing that the last few months have indeed been hard for her child, due to the cancellation of his engagement to Kim Burgess, as well as what this month means to him; Amelia was not shocked that he wanted to come home.

Her home was the one house that he knew was safe at when he was 17. The one house where he, Kelly Severide, and Kevin Atwater first became best friends, and later brothers.

Kissing his forehead, "you can always come home baby, no matter what" Amelia was indeed missing the boys and her house.

Yes, she did have Jake and Alejandro there, but they didn't wake her up every morning to yelling, or wrestling, or breaking things, or even almost burning the house down trying to make her breakfast.

Leaving Adam to think, the former agent heads up to her OR, Finally getting to meet William Halstead.

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