Chapter 7: She's Not My Mother!

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It's been three weeks since Adam has moved in. Alejandro is more open and enjoys being around Jay whenever he can. Jake, is starting to cause problems.

I've picked him up from school five times since he's joined two weeks ago. I've tried talking to him multiple times, but he always dismissed me. I've never had to discipline the older boys, and they don't know about how Jake is acting.

Getting a call from the school, I cut off the stove and head to pick up Jake, once again. Arriving, I head straight to the principals' office to meet. "Thank you for coming Miss. Green" shaking the man's hand, I sit and listen to the information being listed.

"How long is he suspended?" Finding out that for the next three weeks, Jake will be home with me. I thank the principal and walk out, motioning for Jake to follow me.

Getting close to the car, I turn to talk to Jake but I'm met with a slap, then a punch. Shocked, I know just who to go to. "Amelia I'm-" shaking my head, I don't allow him to say another word.

Parking in front of the district, I walk over to his side of the car. Gently taking his hand, I walk up the stairs of the district. "Oh my god! Amelia!" Cutting Trudy off, "I need to see Hank, please" nodding, she buzzes me up.

Jake looked scared to follow. One push from me and he was heading up "Jake, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at school?" Hearing Kevin ask Jake questions, I hear a mug drop and break as I show my face to everyone "Hank, do you have a minute?"

Nodding his head to me, I walk into his office after Jake. Not glancing at the boys, Hank closes the door to his office "who did this Amelia?"

"Jake, He's been suspended from their new school for fighting. I picked him up today, he slapped me, then punched me. I don't want him arrested, but he can't come home with me tonight." Yelling my name, Jake starts to get upset

"You brought this onto yourself son, you have no right hitting your mother-" Cutting Hank off, Jake jumps up which causes Hank to place himself between the two of us "she's not my mother! She's just some black lady who took me in out of the kindness of her heart!"

Feeling everyone in the room tense up, Jake continues to tell why he is upset "she loves me! But I've never been loved! I don't deserve this life! They'll just find me and hurt me again, hurt her and everyone else who shows me, love!"

Sobbing into the chair in front of Hank's desk, Jake starts to tell me he's sorry. "You're staying with me tonight kid, until then, I'm putting you in an interrogation room. A controlled environment."

Nodding, Hank tells me he will be right back. Taking a seat, I send a text to Will to head to my house after his shift at Med. Jay and Kevin try to text me, but I don't reply.

Coming in and lightly closing the door, Hank takes a seat next to me. Softly taking my cheek into his hands "he hit you good Amelia, I don't trust him to be with you anymore"

Knowing that Hank is right, I try to think about other things. "I'm going to go get you some ice, I'll be back" After Hank leaves for downstairs, Jay and Adam come rushing into the room. "You okay mama? Did Jake hit you?"

Jay shakes his head, "this is all my fault, Kevin told us that Jake was acting different, we should have looked more into it" telling them I'm fine, I make them go back to their seats before Hank comes back and sees them in his office.

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