Chapter 21: Better Than Alright

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The next morning, things felt lighter in the house. Amelia was up and at 'em, making a quick and easy breakfast. Popping eggos into the toaster four at a time, as well as bacon into the air fryer, the only real task she had that morning was scrambling the eggs.

Kelly was the first down, PJs still on, "morning mama" kissing his mother's cheek, he takes out the orange juice, and sets the table.

Kelly has always been the early bird with his mom, even though he doesn't want to admit it. He would help cook for the holidays, and be right there for whatever she needed.

"Good morning Kelly, sleep well?" Nodding, Kelly walks his mother over to the table. Laughing, Amelia lets him know she can cook breakfast. "Yeah, I know, but I think dad and I would prefer it if I finished breakfast."

Obliging, Amelia watches Kelly finish up and set the table. It was a rule in the house that if no one was up when breakfast was done, Kelly got to yell for them. It's something his inner child couldn't help. "Come and get it while it's hot! Will! Erin!"

Not even seconds later, Jay came down carrying Alejandro, with Jake behind him carrying his portable machine. "Glad we were already coming down and dodged the hounds."

Adam was pushed to the wall by Erin, who was making room for Will to run next to her. "Mom! Did you see that! I'm telling dad, my head hurts. And it's not like the doctor will help me out!"

Laughing at her son, Amelia kisses his head, and hands him Tylenol. Sydney and Laurel were apprehensive to come down, but with a gentle smile from Olive, they made their way down.

After the whole family was seated, they finally dug in after Adam blessed the food. "Is there any apple juice?" Hearing Laurel talk for the first time, Hank nearly jumped at her voice, "I think there's some in the fridge. If not, I'll pick some up today."

Jay offers to check for the young girl, knowing how it feels to be the new kid in the house, and he sees that there is a small carton. "Here you go"

"So what are you guys doing today mom? Braiding each other's hair? And talking about boys?" Laughing and her baby, "no, we're gonna go over some things for school, get the girls enrolled, and see where the day takes us after that. We might stop by Med and have lunch with Maggie, never know with us"


"Are you feeling okay to go out? We could always stay in and watch movies?" Amelia found herself in Alejandro's room, letting him know she'll change all of their plans if he needs it. "I'm fine mama, and Ally will be there in case something happens. I wanna go and have fun. The only days I'm weak are chemo days."

"Okay my love, meet me at the door in 15"


As Amelia heads to enroll the four kids into the private school nearby, she reflects back on the last couple of months. She found the love of her life, moved back to her hometown, got a deeper connection with her children, and even got the chance to carry one herself. She also added a few to her bunch, and it's still growing.

Getting to the school, Amelia registers all four. Jake and Laurel would be in the same grade, 9th. While Alejandro was in 8th, and Sydney was in the 6th.

At this particular private school, Harlow Academy, all three levels of education were within walking dictate of each other. This put Amelia's mind to ease over Alejandro and Sydney. Her precious babies

No matter how long she had known Laurel and Sydney, she had a love for the girls, and she would protect them with everything in her.

Leaving the school, the group of five heads to gather school supplies, as well as essentials for the girls during their stay with Amelia.

She doesn't know if it'll just be a day, months, or forever. But, she'll get the girls everything they will need, for a hopeful forever stay.


Getting back to the house, I show Laurel and Sydney to their rooms. Their rooms are on the third floor with Justin, Erin, and Jay. Since the house was getting renovated, and ready for a baby, some of the kids opted to move up a floor.

Neither girl cared about the location of their room, but they were excited to get their own room. Jake and Alejandro helped the girls get everything onto the elevator before getting to the third floor. Once there, they painted their sisters' walls, and helped them settle into their new home.

Forster sisters were forever sisters to the Green/Voight boys.

After Amelia place a few cartons of Apple juice in the fridge next to the orange juice, she ordered pizza for dinner, and headed to take a nap.

The kids were alright, they were better than alright

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