Chapter 19: It's not Healthy for the Baby

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It's been a few weeks since Alejandro and his family found out about his diagnosis. Since then, everyone has been on edge, and tense

They've been picking fights for no reason, and getting annoyed for the smallest things. All nine children are moved fully back into the house.

Hank has been trying to take fewer cases at work so that he can be with Alejandro and Amelia more often.

Amelia's pregnancy is slowly going downhill due to the amount of stress she's been under. While yes, she's tried to keep the stress to a minimum, there's always something.


It was Alejandro's "move-in day" at the hospital. Every sibling was there for this emotional moment. Gaffney's Chicago Medical Center was showing major support for the small child. His parents, as well as older siblings, did so much for the city of Chicago on a daily basis.

The one thing his mother wouldn't let him leave his first home without, was his blanket. His blanket's name was Mary; which was the name of his biological mother.

Despite all the wrongdoings that Mary did to Alejandro, he still had a small type of love for her. His love for Amelia was greater, and if push came to shove; it would always be Amelia.

Amelia did exactly what she would have done if this was a kid moving back into their house, nothing.

She sat at Alejandro's desk and set up his meal prep as well as his schooling. It hurt her to know that she wouldn't be able to be with her son at any given moment.

She couldn't just leave her room and head to his anymore if he needed her and vice versa. But, she knew Maggie would call if anything ever happened to her baby when she wasn't there.

The next two months were gonna be gruesome for the Voight's, but they knew they needed to stay together no matter what.

All the older siblings had already changed their mother's schedule. Erin was taking on the role of photographing her mother's clients. Jay was now in charge of Dinner, Kelly drove Jake to and from school, as well as picked up weekly groceries. Adam and Kevin were in charge of breakfast. Will was over the landscaping, Justin was in charge of helping Amelia build the nursery.

This was only their individual tasks

The adults never realized how much their mother did for their family, and how she truly is the glue to their family.


"Alright Aly, do you want the family portrait on your desk, or nightstand?" Jay was was through Alejandro's photo box, helping the weak boy decide where things will go. It was only then that he came across the only framed picture.

Their first family portrait.

It was taken the day after everyone found out about Alejandro's bump. Of course, the photos had been planned for months. The family took seven different sets of pictures, it was a struggle for Alejandro, he was sitting down resting between takes, but he was overall okay.

"Nightstand, so you guys are closer" even though there are visiting hours placed in the children's cancer ward, the Voight's were getting some extra time today.

Multiple times, Amelia looked through her children, making sure every since one was in the room. Earlier, Amelia had to step out to talk to her Ob. She was informed that being at Med was "Not Healthy for the Baby"

Of course, Amelia came back with a smart remark


"Being here might not be healthy for my unborn child, but everyone in this damn hospital knows I would NEVER do anything to intentionally hurt my unborn child. Especially since it's the one thing I've wanted more than anything else since I was 7! That might be true, but I've got more responsibilities as a mother to nine. I'm not leaving my son here without me unless my husband is dragging me out. He needs his mother so he gets his mother."

By this time, Will and Kelly picked up on their mother's voice. "The only thing raising my blood pressure and stress is this conversation. So, I am gonna walk back into my son's room, hold his hand, give him kisses, let him know I love him and that I'm here for him. And when visiting hours are over, and my husband walks me to my car, then and ONLY THEN, will I leave this hospital and leave my son with the comfort of a nearby nurse. You have a blessed afternoon Dr. Smiths"

Wiping her tears, Amelia takes a deep breath before rejoining her family in her youngest son's hospital room. Will Halstead was quick to follow out the room, Kelly ten toes behind him.

"Rebecca, why? You do know that I take her vitals three times a day? And she's eating everything she should, taking her medication. She's doing everything correctly. No one could have predicted that my younger brother would get diagnosed with Leukemia, but she's kept her stress to a minimum."

Rebecca turned sharply to the man, "when she's crying because she has a miscarriage, that's on YOU Halstead. She's older, that means high-risk pregnancy something that any attending would know-"

"I think it's best you calm your voice down." Kelly, being the oldest, was always gonna stick up for us siblings. "Did you go to medical school? I don't think so. Stay out of it"

"I think you should watch your tone, Dr. Smith. I don't know who's sons your talking to like that, but it's not mine, and it will never be mines. Thank you for your concern, but our Dula and midwife are doing more than enough to ensure Amelia's pregnancy goes smoothly." Hank moved so that he was standing in front of his boys, and of course, Kelly was coming with the facial expressions behind his father.

"Say one more thing about my kids or my wife, and we're gonna have a problem"

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