Chapter 32: YouMakeMeNotWannaDie

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Time went by slowly. 

It had felt like hours since Danny and Kevin had left us in the room alone. Neither me nor Leighton had any concept of what time it actually was. What felt like a couple of hours really could have been a day going by. What felt like a day could really be a couple of hours. There was no way of knowing. There were no windows in the dingy warehouse space that gave it away. So together we sat at our columns. Backs cold and butts sore. 


Waiting for what you ask? For rescue? For Danny and Kevin and Jade to come back? For death? 

It had certainly been hours since Leighton and I had anything to eat or drink and the two of us had lost a lot of liquid sobbing our eyes out quietly when we thought the other wasn't looking. 

I often wondered if rescue was even possible at this point. Frankie, Levi, Sierra and Teddy would obviously know that we were missing. They probably had every security team and police officer in the area looking of us right now. But would they ever find out where we are? Were we even in Ohio still? With both Leighton and I being drugged on the way here neither of us had any way of knowing where we are. And even if we did, we would have no way of contacting anybody to give them that information. 

Speaking of Leighton, he wasn't doing too good. His right eye was completely swollen shut. Dried blood crusted his forehead, the duct tape surrounding his mouth and made intricate, dripping patterns down is cheek, neck and shoulders. The bruising on his torso had also gotten worse, displaying purple, green and deep red splotches. Most of the time he spent looking down at his lap, focusing on his strained breathing. Judging from the subtle winces when he took a deeper breathe, one of Leighton's ribs could be cracked at best or broken at worst. 

Leighton could die here if he gets more hurt. He could also die if he doesn't receive medical treatment. 

Leighton could die here. 

I tried to push those words out of my head but they echoed over and over again. Emotions flooded me then. Overwhelming, scary emotions. Ones that I had never felt ever in my life. An intense grief, a bittersweet sorrow. It was different then losing someone. It was almost like a feeling of losing someone you were waiting to give a piece of yourself to. That made everything worse. 

"Leighton," I said lightly. 

He lifted his head in acknowledgment. His eyes didn't meet mine though. 

"Are you okay?"

I knew he wasn't okay. Neither of us were okay. This situation wasn't okay but I still had to ask. I had to get him to acknowledge me. I wouldn't let us rot away in this silence. 

I saw him close the eye that wasn't swollen shut. Ever so slightly he nodded his head. 

I knew he was being brave for me. Even if he was in the most unimaginable pain he wouldn't show it. Leighton knew how to hide the pain from his father. No matter how much it hurt, you never showed your weakness. 

"I need you to listen to me because I have something to say to you. And truthfully Leighton, I don't know if I'm ever going to have another opportunity."

He raised his head higher and opened his eyes to look at me. His breathing still strained. 

I took a deep breathe. I couldn't cry now. These past few months had been everything to me. I knew Danny could take everything away from me. By saying these things to Leighton I wouldn't be admitting defeat I told myself. I wouldn't be giving up. This was precautionary and it was also hopeful. I was giving Leighton and I hope for the future. That's what I was telling myself. 

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