Chapter 5: Get Higher

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There is no superior sensational feeling then being drunk on your own happiness. The pain you once felt all but melts away into the background of your mind. Your body wakes up and faces the music with an intense satisfaction. The world may not spin around you in a tipsy, disorienting state, however it amplifies sensational experiences. That night my body felt the music more then it ever had before. I looked up at the Rock Zone ceiling, raising my hands in the air like my body was on a rollercoaster, whooshing through time. The dust in the air sparkled as each speck passed through the laser lights, making me feel like it was raining glitter upon the dance floor. I jumped up and down, where every time my platforms left the ground I was floating through the air for just a moment. A smile that would put the Cheshire Cat's to shame plastered on my face. 

The stage had come alive that night, louder and more passionate then ever before. Frankie had smashed two guitars already, leaving a trail of plastic and string across the front speakers. His black fauxhawk slanting downward from the effort of his head-banging all night. He had also sweated through two sweater vests which he insisted was "his look" and continued to replace shirts even midway through songs. Levi's drums sounded faster and harder, his dark skin glistening with sweat as his hands flew across the symbols in record timing. The red streaks in his black fade whipping through the air and catching in the lights up above. Leighton had completely transformed. His cool yet contained rockstar demeanour had vanished. His soul uncaged by the music that night. He whipped around the stage, jumped into the crowd, screamed until his voice was raw. Eyeliner had leaked down to the corners of his mouth. It only made me smile wider. 

This is what freedom felt like. 

I was a different person, but I was completely myself. 

The music finished with an epic finale, the audience hollering and screaming until each of us could no longer find our breathes. 

Lights cut to black at the last crash of the symbol and the crowd lets out a collective sigh of fatigue brought on by the intenseness of the night. I draped my arms around Sierra and Sasha, threw my head back and laughed. Laughed at the beautiful taste of freedom. 


"You have some M A J O R explaining to do." Sasha, Sierra and I had decided to walk home from the venue to cool off from the sticky-hotness of being in the venue. The October air was welcoming against our exposed skin. A perfect breeze riding through the city on a perfect night. 

Kill Klub had held a meet and greet after the concert again. The fans had all rushed the stage and pushed us towards the back door. The three of us were perfectly content with leaving together this time, coming off the highest of highs from tasting happiness. I couldn't help but to look back when I left, searching and finding Leighton's eyes on stage before the start of the meet. His brown eyes sparkled under the stage lights as he mouthed three little words: See You Soon. 

My heart fluttered, knowing that I would see him again. 

"Autumn, hey! Snap out of it! I need an explanation as to what the fuck just happened tonight. I need every detail, every minute, actually can I record what you're about to tell me as well? I might need it for later. I don't know, not important, unless." Sierra playfully bopped Sasha on the head. 

"She's going to tell us when she's ready Sasha, stop pestering her. She's not pregnant with his child. Oh my god, you're not pregnant with his child are you?" 

"No, guys please." I let out relaxed sigh. "Fine. Fine. I'll explain, just chill. You are seriously not going to believe a word I am about to tell you." 

And at first they didn't. They both stared at me, eyes gawking when I had told them about Danny and kissing Leighton and then kissing Leighton again and then almost kissing him again. Sasha of course conveniently had many invasive and personal questions to ask mostly consisting of "are you sure he smells like that?" and  "would you be open to me (Sasha) also having his children if you decide to date." The questions were almost always ignored for the sake of all three of our sanities. 

By the time we had reached the dorms, the questions were almost out of their systems. 

"So what happens now?" Sierra asked, concerned that our whirlwind encounters wouldn't survive once they left on tour outside the city. 

"I don't really know. I never really thought about it." I looked down at the ground, sad to think my freedom could come to an end so soon. "But, can you guys promise me something?" 

"Of course." They say in unison, and I believed them because they mean more to me then anything else in the world. 

"About Leighton and all of this... well, this stuff. Can we keep it between us? It's not like we are dating or anything and I would rather not draw attention to myself on campus. I don't need Danny sniffing in my business any more then he has and those bitchy girls from room 105 certainly don't need more rumours to spread." 

"Agreed." Sierra says and looks at Sasha. 

"Agreed." Sasha nods her head, her bob cut bouncing up and down. 

And that's the thing about friends. My secret was safe with them, the universe however, had a different agenda altogether. 

"By the way guys, has anyone seen my phone? I can't believe I haven't realized it was missing. I don't think I put it down somewhere? Did I even bring it to the concert?" I patted down my pockets and slid my hand down my boot to see if I had misplaced it. 

"It's probably in your room, or it fell out of your pocket or something at the venue. Get some sleep I'll help you search and call around first thing in the morning." Sierra, the mom I always wish I had. 

"I will be sleeping in tomorrow, it's my one day with no morning classes. I love you guys, I'll catch you tomorrow for a study break."

Sasha waved to us and headed up first, Sierra and I followed shortly after. 

I opened the door for Sierra and looked out into the night sky of our dorm as she walked past me. I closed my eyes and drank in the last evening breathes of freedom. I opened my eyes and picked a star. I wish every evening I can look up at the stars and feel happier then the day I did previous. 

But unfortunately with my luck I must have wished on a fucking UFO, cause the next morning I awoke to Dante's seven rings of Inferno, served with a side dish of depression with a sprinkle of anxiety. 

AHHH omg thank you for all your comments and votes. Silent readers and vocal readers I LOVE YOU <3 Next chapter will have FLUFF (after the Dante's Inferno stuff that has to happen I'm sorry guys). Remember to keep commenting and voting I am so excited to take you guys on this journey with me. Also feel free to share with your fellow emo friends who dreamed of always dating the lead singer of a band!!! 

Fluff chapter coming Tuesday the 18th <3 

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