Chapter 15 - the law of attraction

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Law holds a yoga mat walking into a gym. Luffy had invited him for yoga because one of his friends couldn't make it so he saw an opportunity. Law walks into the room feeling that it was warmer than the rest of the gym. All of the people there were women.

"Torao!" law sees luffy at the front of the class , " you made it in time." ,"Wouldn't miss it." Law says with a smirk. " I saved you a spot right in the front of the class.", "im assuming you're right beside me.", "not quite, this is as close as i could get you to me." law raises an eyebrow , as close as they could get him? Luffy walks to the very front and claps his hands together, "alright class we're about to start this is advanced class so if you feel like you're not ready please leave the classroom but join us in our medium or starters class!" Law stood there shocked, luffy was teaching the class.

He didn't know that Luffy had another job. I guess this shows he has much more to learn about his boyfriend. And advanced? Law barely knew any poses, much less how to do anything. And unlike his boyfriend he was far less flexible " let's start with beginners poses and ease in, let's start with the mountain pose" luffy raises his arms clasping them together law assumes he should follow the lead and does the same "next we're gonna go to the high lunge from there we go into warrior one." Luffy lunges one leg forward and raises his hands into the air "inhale" every one breathes in through their nose,  "exhaling and going into warrior position two." He slowly extends his arms like a plane  breathing out through his mouth.

"Let go go into a plank" Luffy drops into the plank position waiting for a few seconds "we're gonna stay like this for four minutes" as the time goes on law starts to feel the burn and looks around to see how others are are doing and see they are starting to feel it as well but luffy on the other hand wasn't breaking a sweat and was in best form as well, " you guys feeling the burn yet ?" From The group you could hear multiple 'yeses' Luffy chuckles " good!"  there is a symphony of groans and 'come ons', "you got it guys! Just a few more seconds... and done!"

People let out sighs of relief. "Ok lets go into the next and last beginner pose, the downward dog. '' Luffy walks his hands back as if he's getting up but stops halfway and stays there. Law couldn't hold back his thoughts anymore luffy was too damn sexy in that outfit and the pose only helped it all the more. The way his ass was up in the air presenting it to the world and the leggings showed it off along with his thighs, the compression shirt showed off all his curves in the right ways. He was lean but you could see his abs being pressed against the t-shirt.
He wished he was the one luffy was presenting to so law could grab his ass and fuck him senseless , have him panting and barely holding his position. And based on the fact he's teaching the advanced class he must be flexible enough to do all kinds of poses, probably ones beyond law's wildest imagination.  He needs his motor to stop running and gears to stop turning if this keeps going law is going to have to leave the room. Too distracted thinking about his boyfriend he slips up and falls.

Law groans rolling over to see his boyfriend staring up at him chuckling. " Need some help there?" law blushes it was so embarrassing, law grabs luffy's hand pulling himself up , "we're about to start our advanced poses just sit over there." luffy whispers and law sits in the corner  and watches law go back to his stop in the front. " So next we're gonna start the hard stuff, first the camel pose," Luffy stands on his knees and bends all the way back, having his head touch the ground. It was amazing how effortlessly he would bend in different positions. showing how flexible he could be more with each pose. It was like watching a kaleidoscope change color and forms .

"Okay guys let's go back into the mountain , and breathe in" they hold like that for a second " and exhale , thanks for coming to the class today i'll see you guys next week!"

People start packing up and talking to each other. Law walks towards Luffy who's drinking his water. Luffy takes a breath wiping off his mouth and smiles "how did you like the class torao?" , " it was pretty good." other than law almost getting a boner. " But I didn't expect you to be teaching the class." , luffy giggles "i'm full of surprises."

three ladies walk up to the two, "hey girls!"One of the ladies chuckles " hello to you as well luffy, great class as always.", " I don't understand why you don't work here part time officially instead of just a fill in, everyone would come to your classes for sure." , "I'd love to! It's just I'm too busy!" , "What a pity, we'll get you to teach us officially one day." luffy grins, " I love the determination, maybe one day!" the last woman notices law.

" Now who is this dashing man? I saw him at the front but he sat out after the beginning poses" luffy happily latches onto law's neck borderline choking him out, "this is my boyfriend!" law's heart flutters it's been so long since law last  had heard someone claim him as theirs. 

"Trafalgar law, nice to meet you." , "my my you got a handsome one." , "we've never seen any of your previous partners." , "yeah, we've only heard about previous relationships, this one must be serious." , "yep!"

Luffy, law, and the other women talk until it's time to go. Law and Luffy walk out of the building with Luffy teasing him, " you know you're really bad at all the activities we've done together" "hey! i'm not that bad at everything." , " oh yes you are!", "im not and i'll prove it to you. Come over to my house next week and i'll cook the best meal you'll ever eat.", "agreed i'll come over for free food. Unless it's terrible." luffy says with a smirk he kisses law on the cheek the runs off, "hey!"  luffy just keeps running.

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