Chapter 13- experimentation

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Roller Skating, even though law was physically fit he never does anything that isn't the bare minimum to keep him healthy and is definitely not adventurous with his forms of exercise, yet he's in a roller rink slipping on skates all because luffy wanted him to. for some reason he can never resist those puppy dog eyes.

"Come on let's go!" luffy says going over to the rink, "coming." law awkwardly trots on top of the carpet stomping with each step to not start rolling. Luffy steps into the rink getting ready to skate when he realizes law standing at the edge of the rink  luffy turns around to face law, "why aren't you skating" luffy looks at law gripping the bar fencing in the rink trying for dear life to keep balance. " Torao, could it be that you don't know how to skate?"law hates to admit it but,  "not really."

luffy reaches out his hand, " then i'll teach torao."law cautiously puts his hand on top of luffy's. Taking a step forward he starts to roll and he grips Luffy's hand tighter, "it's okay, relax." luffy says with a comforting smile, " bend your knees slightly,"law does as he's told, "next use your foot to push forward" law pushes forward luffy does the same they continue to do this for a bit law slowly starts to gets comfortable as they roll along.

" im gonna let go now okay?" luffy gently removes his hand from law's letting him glide on his own. Law cruises along pretty smoothly luffy cheers him on as he skates but as he turns the corner he get unsteady and before he knew what was happening he was staring up at the ceiling.

Luffy skates over to see law with a frazzled look luffy tries to hold back his laughter it was cute. Law like this clumsy, trying to learn something new, it was nice seeing the older male wasn't always the best at everything. It showed Law was, human , he wasn't just this snarky guy who was good at everything.

Luffy extends his hand out for law to grab "you did good," law grabs his hand pulling himself up, "i guess", "i know torao will get it next time" luffy flashes a reassuring smile, " but for now I don't mind being close to torao." luffy latches onto law's arm. They spend their time rolling around arms linked together.

other than a few wobbles and almost falls from law, it was going good. Slowly but surely law started to enjoy it. maybe it was because he stopped tripping so much or because his heart is thumping from being so close to Luffy is giving him an adrenaline rush.

He thought he would be calm cool and collected but for some reason he's always uncomposed and clumsy around luffy. But it felt nice to have someone see him like this and not judge but laugh with him and say it's okay. That's what he likes about luffy so much; that carefree attitude that he once found annoying was now just one of his many charms he's come to love about him.

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