"A Favor for a Favor" pt2

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Ace and Deadlock soared through the sky towards the location they were given.

Ace paused "Deadlock. I'm not forcing you to come along, if you don't want to join, then I understand."

" but I want to help, really." Deadlock said

Ace sighed "Most of our targets will be vehicons-"

"I know." Deadlock sounding slightly down "but that's I want to prove myself, that I'm not "just another vehicon"."

"Don't let Magnus get to you. " Ace reassured "He doesn't know the scrap your capable of. "

"I know it's just that everyone seems to judge me before they even take a second to get to know me." Deadlock said

"I know the feeling." Ace said with a slight softer voice "But after this mission, I can assure you they won't look at you the same."

Deadlock smiled then paused for a moment "so what's this mission about?"

"I talked with Magnus for a bit and he gave me a few details, our dear old one eyed scientist is back and he's working with Megs, they built Darkmount, and by the sounds of it, the Autobots are struggling." Ace explained

"Shockwaves back?!" Deadlock seemed both shocked and concerned

"Yeah, clearly I've missed out on a few events since I left the radar." Ace said

"Just a little confused why Magnus had to talk to you, I mean, last time I checked Optimus is usually the convincing type."

"I wondered that too, but Magnus seemed secretive about Optimus, I don't know what, but something isnt right."

"You think it will effect us?"

"Hope not."

The two continued to fly, hitting the mainland and soon enough the masa scattered land, something still felt off.

"Let's fly lower, guts telling me we should stay low." Ace said after a long moment of thought.

Deadlock didn't question her one bit and dove down beside her to keep under detection.

"Ace?" He started "what's that smoke?"

Ace looked around to see a large collem of smoke rising from one  of the mesa hills.

"Aw scrap..." She turned to fly more towards it.

"What? What is it?" Deadlock raced after her.

"When they said "desperate times" they weren't kidding." She flew even lower passed the leveled mesa hill. "The Autobot's base I found a while back. At least what's left of it."

"Oh..." Deadlock mumbled following ace keeping her distance from it, in the distance was a large clearly cyberteonian structure pin pointing the location they were given.

"Still want to tag along?" Ace asked, turning towards datkmount.

Deadlock seemed to hesitate just a bit before speaking up "yeah. Still."

"No going back now." Ace sped up, diving even lower to keep cover within the dust and smoke.

Deadlock followed close behind.

"Why? Why Am I even doing this" ace mumbled to herself.

With a confused look deadlock flew closer to her.

"Is this planet even worth the save? I mean, cybertrons half destroyed, and even then, I am most likely not even allowed on it!" Ace argued, showing a few sights of doubt "Most humans dont know our existence, so we have to hide like some cowards." She sneered "If this planet is Taken over, then it might as well be more like cybertron. More like home, yknow? I know I sound crazy but-"

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