
421 11 0

(Trigger warning: Depression, attempted suicide, some blood)

"Well, well what do we have here?" Ace said grinning at the vehicon.

The vehicon stared at Ace with a blank exploration. Under his eyes were shadows stained with energon.

"What is a lone vehicon doing outside the Nemmisis?" She questioned walked closer.

Ace was shocked to see no fear in his eyes, no hate or any emotion really. She was used to bots being scared of her and would keep their distance.

"Just get it over with," the vehicon said in a sad tone, "you'd be doing me a huge favor."

"What?" Ace asked confused.

"Kill me!" He said voice rising. "It's what you do, isn't it?"

Ace stopped and thought for a moment, her grin lowering. She knew people thought she was a killer, but still it hurt when people said it to her directly.

"You want me to kill you?" Ace asked not being used to it. "Why?"

"The decepticons no longer follow the cause! Everyone who even remotely cared about us, is dead! We are seen as sparkless drones! And...!"
He said lowering his voice. "... and I just want the pain to end... "

Ace thought of the decepticons, did they really stray from the cause? No, they couldn't, could they? Ace tried to shake of the thought.

"So your telling me that if I blow a hole through your chest." She said transforming her hand to a blaster. "You'd be happy about it? I don't understand how a bot would want to willingly die, I know that see bots can be sad, but I never knew that someone could-"

"JUST KILL ME ALREADY!" the vehicon begged pulling Ace's blaster to his chest.

"Please... " he collapsed on the floor in front of Ace, crying.

Ace was speechless, she never had this happen before. Though a part of her understood the vehicon. Being made something your not. Lost lives you can never bring bad. The same sadness Ace has.

"Your leg-" Ace said spotting his wounded leg.

He stayed silent and tried to hide his head in his arms.

Ace took out a medical kit she caries with her incase she got hurt. She opened it and started treating the wound.

"I'm not really good at this" she apologized as the vehicon flinched. "But it would do the job."

"Why?" The vehicon asked.

"Well, I'm a fighter, not a medic" ace explained. "Though I have experienced many injuries and l kinda learned how to treat the basic ones, like these"

"No" the vehicon corrected. "Why are you helping me?"

Ace paused for a moment changing her tone to a less demonic one. "I see myself in you, your abandoned, misunderstood, and seen as something your not."

The cons eyes widened slightly as how accurate her statement was.

"And you reminded me of someone" ace said.


"My brother"

The room went silent for a moment as Ace worked on his leg. It was an award silence until Ace broke it.

"What's your name con?" She asked

"It's a stupid name really." He mumbled. "Copied, not even official."

"What is it?" Ace asked.

"Deadlock" he said.

"I think it's a great name." Ace said trying to make him feel better.

"Really?" He asked shocked.

"Really." She admitted.

"Almost done here" share said welding the wound shut. "Ya know Dead, I am looking for the Nemmisis to rejoin Megatron. I know you do this really want to go back there, but for now. I have this cave, on a mountain. It's small though it works as a home to me. This ship is rusty and is almost collapsed. I have a quite a few recourses. So if ya want to you know, live there with me, I'll be happy to do so."

Ace said continued fixing his wound
"And I've been in war for a long time, maybe I got a few things to teach you. Make you stronger and better at combat. I can train you, would you like that?"

No response.
"Dead?" Ace asked looking up.

His optics were of lines as he no doubtibly went into staisis as of loss of energon.

Poor bot. Ace thought standing up.

Ace can't just leave him here, hell completely run out of energon, or he would try and kill himself again.

Ace sighed. She used her claws to pick him up as she spread her wings and flew to her home.

(Small time skip)

Ace was sharpening her sword on her tail as she heard grunting from Deadlock as he woke up.

"Morning" she smiled.

"What happened?" He asked rubbing his head.

"Loss of energon, no doubt. You went into staisis and carried you here." She said standing up.

"Where are we?" He asked.

Ace smiled at him. "Home"


Deadlock: Bish, I don't know where "home" is!

Ace: Oh, oops. It's right outside the human town, in the second tallest mountain's cave.

Deadlock: (mumbling) "home", could be anywhere, be more specific.

Hope you all enjoyed this part, yeah, poor Dead, but he's "home" now :)

"𝔸𝕔𝕖"  A Transformers Prime OC StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora