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Hello :) , I've been thinking about an oc story for a long time now. I am a maladaptive daydreamer meaning that this story could go anywhere. I have the main plot worked out, but Im still adding a lot.

(I do not own transformers, it is owned by Hasbro. This is only an oc story made up)

(Notice: this story can be cringe and does sometimes have inaccurate timelines, concepts and ideas, ext. There are also references to other things, and a few other characters such as the djd and Overlord are in this universe. And also this is all not formal, so yeah, a lot of Grammer and spelling errors)

(Trigger warnings to the whole story: Gore, blood, death, suicide, self harm, torture, truama, etc. {yeah, some parts are quite gruesome, so if these topics trigger you, maybe this story isn't for you})

Main characters Atm:

Ace: (before transformation) Purple and red flames. With a type of tail and movable head gears, almost replicating ears. (Yes, she is kinda weird. No, she is not a furry.) (After transformation, check next part for her design) Has a stripe scar on her right optic. A normal bot before the war that turns into a jet and lived with her family. Though after an incident, curiosity and anger got her to make a deal with the devil (Unicron) and thinking that dark enegon could make her powerful enough to protect her brother, she stabs a shard in her spark.
At first nothing changed, but in a few months time, she unknowingly killed her family including her brother. A supporter of the council found out about this and instead of killing her, took her to the gladiator fields and was frequently used to kill of any problematic miners. Here she met Megatron and soon became a decepticon.

Deadlock (*yoinks drifts name* mine now >:) : a Vehicon that fought in the war and we treated as a drone. He experienced a lot of deaths and was abandoned of the Nemmisis after a fight. He managed to survive, though soon became severely depressed and was about to end it all. Until he met someone.

Ares: Secretly a guardian, coulered light grey and bright orange. Supporter of the high council, glorified as a hero. Greatly enjoys watching gladiator fights and taunting miners. Captured Ace and took advantage of her anger to make her fight in the pits.

Steeljaw (planning on changing name to avoid confusion): kinda resembles tf rid steeljaw (but isn't like him at all) but smaller. Brother of Ace and weaker than her. He is kind and easily scared. He always looks for comfort from Ace and loves her very much.

Nova: Protector (read head cannon at end) of Ace and Steeljaw. He has a visor simalar to Soundwave (tfp) and is coloured black, dark purple and blue. With lights coulered red.
Found dead along with 3 random bots nearly ripped apart with multiple scratches. Though not much of him is yet known.

Phoenix: a by the law Autobot that turns into a dragon, it is not proven that he is in fact an actual predicon as many facts denies such. His colours are mainly red with some gray steel parts inbetween with bright blue optics. After his fight with Ace he went missing. (He straight up has the personality of ultra Magnus) his size is almost twice of that of Optimus in bot mode and in dragon mode he is 10 times larger.

Some head cannons:

Siblings: forged on the same day and looks similar, usually one is weaker and the other would protect them.

Protector: like a parent and would teach newly forged bots basics to life before they head out on their own. Only a few bots have protectors.

Dark enegon effects: exaggerate anger and hatred and the need to kill. After a long time a transformation can take place changing the bots appearance to a more demonic one.

Guardians: Very rare bots that are stronger than a prime. The litteral opposite of a demon, the usually stay hidden and are created to kill demons and anything related to Unicron, and never fight for personal benefit. The last report of a guardian was a billion years ago.

Crying: yes bots can cry in this au though extremely less than humans.

Scars: bots can have life long scars, normal surface wounds can easily be fixed, though deeper wounds is more difficult. Scars usually are around the eye, spark casing, and other spots, as it is to risky to try and mend. Most bots who have scars, had chosen to keep it as an intimidating factor or a reminder.

Masks/visors: bots such as Sound wave and in this case vehiconns have visors that they an transform to reveal there face.

Conjunx endura (hard spelling lol): cybertonian for married. From mtmte, too much to explain in depth  but yeah, it's kinda like married.

All trough out tfp and rid and Ace found her way to earth. My oc's aren't fully in the main plotline of tfp and rid though they do have few interactions. Though this might change in the future

(Also I will most the time not be using Cybertronian usage of time, distance and sometimes body parts, like cycles and servos, as it can become to complicating)

For now this is all I can think of for the introduction :) 

I hope you all like this and want to see more, cuz I have a lot in plan :D

(think of this book as a rough planning or bare skeleton of a story :)

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