Deadlock "brushed by death"

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Deadlock was lying . . . somewhere? It was hard to tell where, all he could hear is the slow beeping of a spark support machine.

Everything hurt like hell, he couldn't move, bearly even open his eyes.

His half open eyes tried to take in his surroundings, but everything was blurry, and the sound of the constant beeping was driving him mad.

His memory was a bit foggy not remembering what happened.

After a bit of trying he could move his head, his hands and parts of his arm.

"Good, your awake. " a voice said as deadlock turned his head.

The Autobot medic Ratchet.

Deadlock felt a bit more calm after realising that if the Autobots wanted to kill him, they would have done so already.

"... Why does everything hurt?-... " he managed to piece together in a groan.

"Well,  that's normal, as you are supposed to be dead." He explained.

Just then be realised where he was, some sort of room with a spark support machine hooked to his chest.

"What happened?... " he asked.

"We are still trying to figure that out, but what we know is that ace, the demon, brought you here, with a spear through your chest. " ratchet explained.

Finally his thoughts started to clear up as he remembered ace.

"Ace?! is she okay?! Where is she?! " his voice formed.

"She's fine, in a cell, but fine. " he said turning away from the medical equipment.

Deadlock used his arms to try and push him up from the birth.

"You're still recovering, you need to rest. " rachet said stopping him from moving any further.

He didn't struggle or argue and instead layed back down to rest, hoping that the pain will go away.

After a few hours of just lying down he started to feel much better, everything still ached, but it didn't hurt as if he was thrown into a smelting pool anymore.

Ratchet came and left every now and then, and did some test to see if deadlock was okay. At this point he could walk, as long as he took it slow.

Deadlock held the table to regain balance.

He let go of the table and could finally walk without feeling pain.

"And you must be deadlock. " a voice said as deadlock looked up.

"H-hEllo-" his was spooked as he saw a red coloured Autobot at the entrance.

"Ace told us about you" He said greeting him.

"Can I see her? " he asked worried about her.

"No,  not until we figure things out. " he argued. "I'm Heatwave by the way, leader of the Rescue bots. "

"Rescue bots?" He seemed confused, "I thought they where all wiped out-"

"Yeah, not all of us. " heatwave said.

Deadlock then realised his axe was not on his back, and his hands had two separate bands to stop him from transforming.

So in summery, no weapons, no alt mode, no demons.

"Even though you're Ex-con, we can't risk anything. " he explained.

Deadlock couldn't blame Heatwave, hes only trying to protect his team.

"I understand" Dead said, "can I at least get out of this room? Or I'll go insane. " he tested his luck.

Heatwave thought for a moment, he was still recovering,so he was still weak, he sighed"if you even dare hurt anyone, you'll regret it. "

Deadlock smiled nervously though followed the rescue bot.

He followed him into a room, I'm the room where a lot of Autobots, and... Humans? Cool.

"Everyone, this is deadlock" heatwave introduced him, "Deadlock this is, boulder, chase, blades, and Charlie, Dani, Kade and Graham burns"

Deadlock nervously waved trying not to seem like a threat.

"Wait, so you're not a drone?" The orange bot, blades asked. "I thought that-"

"-please don't call me a drone" deadlock said. "I've been called that my whole life. "

"And I presume that was your motivation to withdraw yourself from the decepticons?" The blue bot asked.

" of the reasons-" he suddenly realized something. "Wait you look familiar, something to do with ace. " he said at chase.

"I was assisting on the day of her arrest. " he explained.

"Oh." Deadlock regretted asking.

"I've wanted to ask you" Heatwave asked behind him, "do you even know what Ace did? "

"'What she did'-? " he looked confused, "what do you- ooh... That. " he remembered her past.

"Wait, are we getting cut out of something here?! " the human Kade yelled. "What did she do?."

"Long story" boulder said.

"Though if I where you, " Heatwave said "I wouldn't trust her. "

"Why not? " he argued, "her past was lied about, she told me! "

"She told you? " he asked. "And how do you know it's not just an elaborate lie to earn your trust? "

Deadlock wanted to argue, but he had a good point, what if she did just lied to him, and the stories are true?

He tried to shake the thoughts.

"She killed her own brother, what is to stop her from doing the same to you? " Heatwave asked.

"SHE DID WHAT?! " the human Kade got even more angry and confused, though still being ignored in the conversation.

"She wouldn't. " Deadlock argued back. "Shes not monster."

"And how are you so sure about that? " Heatwave asked curiously.

"Because she saved my life! -twice!" he said defending ace.

"He's right. " another smaller human walked in. " she risked her own life and freedom to save deadlock. "

Deadlock was glad someone else was also standing up for ace.

"Cody, no Offence, but you know nothing about her. " heatwave argued.  "She's a Monster"

"NO SHES NOT! " deadlock yelled and walked back into the room not wanting to argue further.

He sat back on the birth and covered her face with his hand.

He just wanted everything to go back to the way they where.

Since he met ace, he felt, happy. For the first time in a really long time. The way she spoke and comforted him, helped him.

In a way ace saved him from himself.

He couldn't just let ace die in Autobot custody, he was willing to give his life to save Ace's, when doomsday attacked. now She could die anyway.

He sighed hoping everything will be okay.

Suddenly alarms went off interrupting his thoughts.

Confused and curious he stood up and ran out wandering what's happening.

"What's going on? " he asked Heatwave.

Heatwave turned to him, seeming angry yet nervous.  "Doomsday is back."

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