Ace "a missed opportunity"

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A sunshower rained down, no thunder yet water slowly pooled around Ace as she sat on the edge of a stone ledge of the mountain. The same place she destroyed her badge and became a neutral, but her mind was racing.

"You alright Ace? You've been sitting for a while." Deadlock said walking up behind her.

"Hm." She looked up "just thinking."

"About what?" Deadlock sat beside her

"About sides and choices." Ace sighed

"Having doubts?" He asked softly

"No. Not at all. It's actually, I am just sad I didn't realize it sooner."

"Realize what? That the cause was corrupt? "

Ace nodded and looked down.

Deadlock realized something was off "what's wrong?"

"Remember I told you about Jaguar and Artic?" Ace said

"You're Autobot friends? Yeah, still find that surprising." He chuckled

Ace chuckled as well "Yeah, well, our last interaction... " she sighed "we had a huge argument, about sides and loyalty. Looking back I wish I listened, or at least apologized."

"What happened?" Deadlock asked

"Hm, well... "

Before Steeljaw's death
"Oi! Ace, Steeljaw, where ya two headin'?" Artic asked

"Oh, Artic!" Steeljaw greeted happily "didn't see you there."
Ace smiled "Me and Steel just going for a flight. Won't be long because we need to be back soon or else well... Y know"

"You should really consider speaking to someone about your situation regarding Nova." Jaguar suggested

"You know he'll kill me if I did." Ace said

Jaguar sighed "just, try and keep the conflict to a minimal?"

"Heh, will do Jagz. Cya around. You to Artic." Ace smiled

"Stay safe Acey" Artic asked

"Don't call me that." Ace glared

"Hah! Make me."

Short After war broke out
Ace roamed the same place they met up before, she didn't get the chance to meet up with them since her brother's death.

Sure enough Artic and Jaguar was hanging around as old times.

Ace's steps made noice and Artic heard them, shooting up right defensively, Jaguar stopped her

"Hey hey hey! Wait thats-" Jaguar grabbed her arm

"WHO THE HELL ARE-... Ace?... " Artic was stunned by her darker appearance.

Ace wanted to say something but failed as tears just ran down her face. She took a few steps forward and just collapsed into their arms.

Artic didn't react and just sighed while hugging her. Jaguar stepped closer and patted her on her back.

"What happened?" Jaguar asked softly

"I-... I couldn't protect him.... I'm so sorry." Ace cried.

Artic didn't reply and just hugged her tighter, her usual hotshot demeanor gone for the moment.

Ace explained what happened, everything, from the moment of Steeljaw's death to the gladiator pits and dark energon, Ares and Megatron, and every detail she had. Both Jaguar and Artic listened.

"-And I hoped I would find you here." Ace finished

"I'm so sorry." Jaguar said

"... So you're one of those Decepticons?" Artic asked

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