Deadlock "Trust"

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Deadlock feeled his spark drop as his memories of Doomsday returning and how he almost killed him.

"What are you going to do? " He asked heatwave concerned.

"Optimus is busy, so it's just team rescue bots. " he admitted.

"Can I help?" Deadlock asked wanting to help.

"I don't trust you enough with a weapon, and you're still recovering, sorry, you need to stay here for now." Heatwave said walking out.

Deadlock wanted to follow him but instead listened and stayed put.

Doomsday couldnt take another one of those powerful shots he did to ace for a while, though he was still strong and he could still shoot well damaging shots.

He couldn't just sit there while the bots who saved his life, got hurt or worse...

After a while of waiting he quietly stood up and walked out making sure nobody saw him as he tried to find his axe.

While searching he found some sort of elevator and curiously got in as it brought him on top of he building.

Well, he was out of the building he on top of it. He couldn't transform so be did his best to jump off and not get hurt.

After a hard fall, he realized it hurt much less than he thought, so he was getting stronger, and his healing was getting faster as well.

He put his thoughts aside as he saw the garage was open and his axe laying against one of the walls.

In a hurry be grabbed it and set of to look for the bots, maybe he could help them. He had to.

Finally he came across an open field as he his behind a tree to see the rescue bots confronting Doomsday, with the humans a good distance away.

He tried listening in.

"Well, I wasn't expecting a group of rescue bots... " Doomsday said sarcastically.

"Put the weapons down Doomsday, " Heatwave ordered as all the bots held some sort of blue ish weapons.

"Mmm... No. " he joked, and instead walking closer not phased. "You know, I thought rescue forces where deactivated, well, guess I'll have to make that final. "

Suddenly he leaped and punched chase backwards. He dodged of heatwaves punches and shot Boulder with his other arm.

Not a fatal shot, no energon, he'll be fine. Deadlock sighed with relief.

Blades jolted back and transformed before doomsday could get to him. Heatwave punched doomsday in his back.

He grabbed heatwaves arm and pulled heatwave over him and threw him to the ground, stepping on his chest, blaster powering up.

Deadlock had to react now, he ran holding his axe, remembering what ace thought him.

Deadlock leaped and knocked doomsday off Heatwave with his shoulder.

He managed to distract him until heatwave got up, and went help the others.

Deadlock dodged multiple shots and blocked a few with his axe. Suddenly he had a stupid idea.

He allowed doomsday to knock him to the ground and planned to shoot him.

Ace taught deadlock to analyse his opponents, know their weaknesses, their limits.

Doomsday had used way to much of his firepower, and a shot right now wouldn't be able to kill.

He lifted his arm into his shot range and it managed to use the blast to damage the band that prevented him form transforming.

He smiled and quickly transformed his hands to blasters and shot Doomsday off him, while deadlock ran the opposite direction.

Deadlock transformed into a jet and called out to the rescue bots.

"He has a slow tank altmode, we can easily outrun him." He flew closer to them and without asking they transformed taking their humans.

"Will he follow us? " Kade asked.

"It's to risky for him in this condition, he'll need to refuel first. " he explained as they headed back to the fire house.

They in transformed to rest, and think of a plan.

"You ignored my orders. " Heatwave said sternly to Deadlocks escape. "... But thank you. "

Deadlock smiled quite happy with himself, he couldn't wait to tell ace about it.

"Your arms. " the human Graham noticed deadlocks arms having a scorched impact filled with small cracks.

"I'll be fine! " he reassured dusting of his arms.

"... Soo now what? " blades asked.

"Good question" chief Charlie said, "doomsday will be back, and soon by the sounds of it."

Deadlock thought for a second, until his face lit up. "We can get Ace! She can easily beat him, if we can just release-"

"-Out of the question!" Heatwave refused, "we are not releasing her. "

Deadlocks smile dropped along with his hope.

"Heatwave is correct. " Chase said. "If ace where to be released she will no doubt kill Doomsday. "

He has a point. Deadlock thought, ace has no mercy to those that are a threat to her. And these rescue bots are clearly not going to kill anyone.

"Then what better plan do you have?!" Deadlock asked mildly irritated. "Optimus is busy, Ace is locked up, and I'm not strong enough yet!"

"'Yet'?" Dani asked curiously

Deadlock hesitated "... Ace is training me... " he admitted.

The bots stared in shock, they probably thought ace was a only caring for him, and nothing more.

"That explains how you held up against doomsday. " boulder said.

"Yeah." Deadlock sighed. "But right now, that's not important, we need a plan. "

"We get everyone together, maybe doc green has something that could help. And deadlock, well appreciate you telling us everything you know about doomsday, when he comes back, well be prepared. " heatwave explained. "But for now, everyone who got hurt, get checked up and rest. "

Deadlock realized why heatwave was team leader, the way he talked and cared for his team, yet not underestimating them.

"Deadlock, come with me, I'll get your arms checked up." Boulder lead him.

Deadlock nodded and followed, his spark racing.

This could work.

Also, I finished exams, so I'll be posting more of

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