Deadlock "so it continues..."

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Deadlock seemed a bit confused as Ace hugged him, though he could resist but smile.

"A lot ahead of us?" He asked confused.

"I'm no longer a dicepticon." She smiled.

"What?!" He asked shocked. "Really?!"

"Yeah!" She said happily "I said a lot ahead of us. Because we're starting a new journey you and I. What do you say?"

"I'd love that!" He smiled.

"Well then, let us start by getting you some upgrades!" She stood up. "After that, training"

"Training?! You'll trian me?!" He asked excitedly.

"Yup! Ace herself" she said.

"I can't wait! " he said happily.

"Wait?!" Ace joked. "We're going right now! "

Without warning, claws grabbed deadlock by his side and soon the ground was miles below him.

He stared at the shadow far below of a gaint pair of wings flapped steadily carrying them through the sky.

There was a moment of silence, only the sound of wings flapping and the wind.

"... Y'know, you don't have to carry me. " deadlock said awkwardly.

Ace let go of deadlock allowing him to transform and fly beside her.

"About upgrades." He asked "what does that intend? "

Ace turned flying backwards allowing herself to see deadlock.

"Well, for now some system upgrades and strengthenings." She explained. "Because no offense, right bow, two blasters and you'd be scrap metal."

"How are we going to find upgrades?" He asked knowing resources are scarce.

"I was a gladiator for quite a bit, I learned how to make do with what I could. Besides, fights between bots and cons, there are always stuff to be found between the ruble." She explained "and who knows, maybe even the humans have stuff. "

Deadlock smiled as Ace chuckled happily.

"Hey Ace?" Deadlock started.

"Hm?" Ace listened.

"Will I be getting a weapon too? " Deadlock asked. "u'know something that fits me. "

"Ofcourse. That is the best part" Ace said. "I'll help you find it. "

"Thank you Ace" Deadlock thanked.

Ace and Dead arrived back at the mountain cave, Ace carrying a few pieces of metal.

"You really think that would work? " deadlock stared skeptical.

"Yeah, strongest metal for the arms and weaker ones for less vulnerable points. " she reassured him.

Deadlock smiled in excitement as Ace sat down and inspected the metal.

"After the upgrades, you said you'll trane me? " Deadlock asked sitting down next to her.

"Yeah, definitely" Ace said.

"Like what? Combat? Defense? Agility?" He asked.

"A bit of each. I can teach you what I know. " she said.

"I'm going to be trained by a demon." He whispered to him in disbelieve.

Ace chuckled  even though she didn't like to be referred to as a demon, she got used to it, and hearing some one not being afraid of her brought her comfort.

In fact the moment Ace met deadlock it was as if the voices went quite or at least be less outrageously loud.

Although she didn't understand why, it made her feel safe, that's another reason she cared about deadlock so much.

Deadlock looked at Ace working on the metal and then changed his gaze to her face.

It seemed demonic and scary to most bots, but to him it seemed interesting, the scar on her face, she told him she chose to keep it, almost as a reminder.

Her eyes glowed bright purple with the symbols within them turned as they went in and out of focuse.

He thought of how he also cared about Ace, even though nobody else did. He might be the only one alive to know how misunderstood she is.

In the short time they knew each other they became very fond of one another.

An alliance?
Or something much bigger?

Yeah, kinda still kinda contemplating shipping them. Idk they're just  so cute :>
A Powerful misunderstood over exaggerated Demonic murder known and feared by nearly everyone and . . . a vehicon.
I love 'em.

"𝔸𝕔𝕖"  A Transformers Prime OC StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum