Ace "the reunion" pt 1

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The room was quiet for a few moments, deadlock was in deep thought as he day next to Ace.

"I never thought that you went through all that." Deadlock finally said.

"Hehehe, yeah... " Ace said trying not to sound sad.

"How do you deal with that?" Deadlock asked out of his own experiences.

"I- I have thought of ending it all, but a part of me just doesn't want to die being known as a monster" she explained "but what can you do? That's what everyone thinks of me, who would believe me?"

"How many bots have you told your story?" Deadlock asked in curiosity.

"3" she said, "2 are dead, and the third is you"

"Who were the other two?" He asked.

"You have a lot of questions. " she joked as Deadlock tried to not ask another question. "Jaguar, and Artic Archer" she said. "Surprisingly both Autobots."

"HUH?!" deadlock looked shocked.

Ace laughed, "We were friends before the war, and later made a deal to 'not murder each other', they were the only Autobots I trusted."

"That is so confusing" Deadlock sighed.

Ace laughed as Deadlock still tried to proses how that made sense.

"I'm going out to scout later, wanna join me?" Ace asked.

"I'd like that." Deadlock smiled.

Ace and deadlock flew over the fast open land, the air was quite as Ace tried to find the Nemesis.

"Ace?" Deadlock asked.

"Hm?" Ace said listening to him.

"Why did you tell me?" He began "you only told your story to 3 people, why me?"

"A part of me felt that I could trust you, and when we first met, I saw myself in you...sad....broken....alone." She explained. "I was supposed to protect My brother for my whole life, and I couldn't, and you kind of fill that void."

"You trust me?" Deadlock asked slightly in shock.

"I guess so" ace said.

"So in a way I'm your friend." Deadlock joked.

"I-" Ace studdered at the thought of her making a friend asfet losing so many. "If I say yes are you going to brag to everyone in a 5 mile radius that you are friends with a demon?"

"... " deadlock stayed quiet for a moment, "....Maybe"

Ace was about to respond when she sensed something off.

"Do you feel that?" Ace asked

"No? Feel what? " Deadlock wondered.

"It's getting stronger, this way" ace said diving down.

Ace and Deadlock landed behind a boulder and looking across it. In front of them were Vehicons, a lot of them, they seemed to be, mining?

"Energon mine" Deadlock realized though his voice sounded slightly sadder. "Meaning Megatron can't be far behind."

"Finally." Ace said as she found Megatron. "Though, do you think dark energon is involved? "

"No? Why?" Deadlock asked confused. "Wait, there is actually, how'd you know?"

"That's the feeling, where is it involved?" Ace asked.

"Scrap. I haven't told you yet, have I?" He realized.

"Told me what?" Ace asked.

Deadlock studdered and stayed silent.

"Deadlock. Told me what?" Ace demanded.

"Megatron, he - " he studdered, "he uses dark energon. "

Ace eyes widened, does he not know what dark energon is capable of? Look at Ace. No, she has to speak some sense into him.

"Ace! Wait!" Deadlock stopped. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to talk to Megatron." Ace said ready to spread her wings.

"What about me?" Deadlock asked scared Ace will abandon him. "Will you rejoin him? "

"Dead I- " she sighed, "go pack to the cave, well see from there. "

Deadlock wanted to say something but Ace flew leaving deadlock alone.

Ace landed closer to the mine trying to spot Megatron, but instead saw Soundwave.

She remembered that he could pick up any radio signals.

Not wanting to reveal herself she took a datapad and wrote a message from him to pick up.

"I have come to speak with Megatron.
Come to this location (enter random location) in 10 minutes.
Come alone. "

Soundwave's visor lit up as he turned and walked to another area.

Ace stared and walked to the location she provided, an opening between two large stone cliffs, waiting.

Ace stood there and waiting and waiting counting the time as each second ticked by. She took her sword and placed it in front of her in the ground resting her arms on its handle.

A part of her was filled with rage, another sadness and the other fear.

She closed her eyes in a way dreading the reunion, though her ears twitched as she heard the sounds of a jet engine.

She stared into the dull sky as she saw a jet flying towards her, she Instantly knew who it was.

Ace stood strong as the bot transformed. In front of her was Megatron himself.

"𝔸𝕔𝕖"  A Transformers Prime OC StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang