"back to the past" Ace pt. 2

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Sirens wailed at her as the entrance behind her lit up with flashlights.

There were 6 bots standing at the entrance, holding their blasters at Ace.

Ace shocked turned to see the bots. One she could easily identify as the law inforser Ultra Magnus. Another being a bot that worked for the council. And 4 more law bots one coloured blue and white. (Much Farther in this story that bot is found out to be Chase from rescue bots.)

Ace being covered in energon held her hands up against the blaster being pointed at her.

Most bots clearly wanted to kill her here and now. Though the high council bot grinned and told them to stand down.

Ace had some hope that maybe she understood the situation, though her hopes were shattered.

The council bot put cuffs on her hands. "I'll handle it from here" she said to the others, signaling them to retreat back.

Ultra Magnus hesitated "I do not doubt your capabilities, though I would suggest-"

"I said, I can handle it. Now leave." She ordered.

Ultra Magnus sighed and retreated with the others, leaving Ace and her alone.

"It's not what it looks like. I promise... " Ace said trying not to make her voice sound threatening.

"I don't care what it looks like, all I care about is you"
(*Slaps reader* "no, dirty mind >:(" )

Ace got considered for herself as the bots grip tightened.

"You see, I have a little secret I tell nobody." She said. "Your coming with me."

Ace not wanting to pick a fight and get into more trouble listened to her and followed her.

Little did she know this would turn out to be one of the worst mistakes of her life.

Ace and the bot arrived at a building that lead to something much bigger.

Ace and the bot walked in where she opened a door that seemed to be a cell.

Without warning the bot grabbed Ace and threw her in and activated a  force field to block the intrance.

"Why are you doing this?" Ace asked getting up from the floor as the bot stared at her.

"I saw what you can do, with your little fiasco back there." The council bot replied.

"I already told you I was-" Ace was cut of.

"I don't care!" She yelled at her. "You are very powerful. And I already talked with a few friends of mine, and they agreed." She started grinning as ace lowered her ears and growled.

"I know exactly where you belong."

Yeah this one is much shorter  but I think I'll do another part, or two. To get her whole backstory straight.

For those who are confused at the last phrase, she meant Ace will be sent to the gladiator pits :)

I still need a name for the council bot so if anyone have suggestions, I would really appreciate that.

"𝔸𝕔𝕖"  A Transformers Prime OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now