"A Favor for a Favor."

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"Come on! Move faster!" Ace said while training Deadlock, instead of attacking she focused on teaching him how to look for a opening "your moves are predictable!".

"trying to!" Deadlock argued, struggling to get past her blocks and dodges.

Suddenly Ace got a message form someone over her Communicator.

Ace gestured for Deadlock to stop and he took the moment to sit down and rest

Ace listened into the message, turning out to be a call.


"Hello Ace."

"... How the hell youbget my com's code?"

"Had a little help."

Ace took a few steps into the clearing to hear better, glanced to Deadlock who was resting while petting Windstorm.

She cleared her throat "alright Heatwave, whats up?"

"We need your help. Time for you to return the favor for us saving Deadlocks life" Heatwave said "I wouldn't have called if we had another option desperate times-."

"-calls for desprate measures." Ace groaned but tried not to make it audible "yeah?... What you need?"

"Hard to explain." Heatwave sighed "so I'll leave it to him."


"Greetings Ace. "


Deadlock nearly jumped hearing Ace, looking utterly confused by the situation.

"Ace." Ultra Magnus said with a somewhat judgemental tone

"How in the allspark-"

"Ace, listen. we do not have much time. So it would be appreciated if you could join us in person so we can discuss the situation further."

"I was kinda busy."


"... Personal. UGH Fine!" Ace rubbed her eyes "Where you wanna meet up?"

A few of call mummers were heard, probably between Magnus and the Rescue bots.

"Griffin rock would be sufficient. " Magnus said

"Alright, ill be there as soon as I can."

"Thank you Ace. " Magnus ended the call

A long awkward silence, as Ace turned and walked back to Deadlock who was back in the cave working on his Axe

"DEADLOCK!" Ace stormed in "where going on a fieldtrip!"

"A what now?"

"Remember those bots on that bird island that saved your life?"

"The rescue bots, yep. "

"Welp! They have Magnus with them and they want my help."

"Hes alive?!"


"Dang, this could be serious."

"Yeah, sounds urgent to, so take your axe and let's go!" Ace smiled, also getting a few of her weapons including her sword, duel blades and dagger.

"Wait, what about windstorm?" Deadlock paused

Ace glanced to the Minicon as he titled his head curiously. She cant really leave him here alone, but he can't keep up with a jet.

"Fine, he's coming with" She let out a sigh and grapped him.

Windstorm gave a happy chirp of understanding and transformed, latching onto her arm.

"𝔸𝕔𝕖"  A Transformers Prime OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now