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What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish

May 22th, 2022


I look back at myself in the full-size mirror, taking my shirt off to switch it for the tenth time.

My belly started to show a few weeks ago, and I don't have an issue with showing it around my family and friends, but I always make sure it's not noticeable when I go out.

Daniel wouldn't have taken it as badly as he did if he didn't know Crystal was also pregnant. Sooner or later, he would find out, so I made the job easier and told him myself.

"Remember that interview where he was asked if he wasn't famous what he would be?"

"Yes," I rolled my eyes, knowing where he was going with this.

"He wasn't lying," he shrug his shoulders as I flipped him off

"Are you ready?" Aurora asked from the other side of the door. "Harry just got here."

I've been keeping Harry updated and letting him come with me to the appointments only because I found out Crystal has been doing it all alone, not wanting Harry to go with her to any of her appointments.

"Give me just five more minutes, and I'll be down there," I say, shuffling through the pile of clothes on the bed.

I decided to go for one of the pleasing hoodies I've been getting for free at work, knowing it'll do the job even if it was a ninety degrees outside.

I quickly put my shoes on, making my way out of the room and down the stairs, meeting Harry and Aurora sitting on each end of the couch, staring at each other.

"I'm glad you're here for her, and trust me, if it wasn't for Crystal also carrying your child, I would love for you two to get back together," Aurora admits, making Harry furrow his eyebrows. "And if you ever say this to anyone, I will kill you."

"I'm ready," I interrupted, trying to act cool, not wanting to let her know I heard what she said.

"Hey," Harry says, quickly getting up from the couch and walking toward me.

"Hey," I smile when I see Harry kneel and lift my hoodie, putting his hands on the sides of my belly. "How's Astrid?" I ask.

I was able to get physical custody of Astrid. We ended up agreeing on sharing joint legal custody, wanting Harry to be able to make decisions for Astrid.

These past few days, I've been letting her stay with Harry and Crystal. Only with the supervision of me or a professional agent.

The jury granted me seventy percent custody. Harry only being able to see her on the weekends. Most times, my appointments are on the weekends, so he leaves Astrid with Crystal, and once we're finished, he goes back to her, not wanting to waste any time.

I'm very open when it comes to Harry wanting to keep Astrid for an extra day, so usually, if he has things to do on the weekend, I give him an extra day.

"She's alright. I think they were going to bake a cake. Apparently, it was Cherry's idea," Harry rolls his eyes, and I laugh.

I grab my purse from the table, and I take the keys, giving them to Aurora.

"I'll drive you," Harry says, taking me by surprise. "I'll drop you guys after."

"Are you sure?" I ask. "I don't want to waste your time."

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