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"EVERYONE, NOW THAT WE HAVE SUCCESSFULLY avoided a villain attack, we need to move forward and prepare for the next big thing." Aizawa-sensei concluded.

It was nice how her homeroom teacher concluded the small invasion (was supposed to be huge, but thankfully it was delayed).

"What is it, sensei?"

Aizawa deadpanned. "The U.A. Sports Festival."

The entire class cheered (Asaka included). She loved sports festivals.

"Now, go to the gym gamma." Aizawa ordered. "Don't forget to change into your hero costumes."

The class cheered once again.

The practice was going great, it was an unimaginable setting.

Asaka vs. Class-1A

Basically, Aizawa proposed a training where Class-1A needed to eliminate her in a period of half an hour (and he mentioned that she could ask one favor in return).

"and Asaka, don't hurt your classmates."

That bet made Asaka cocked her brow.

Aizawa knew how powerful she was, but perhaps he did not know how truly powerful she was.

Half an hour, he said?

Even if she gave them two hours, her classmates had no chance to subdue her.

It was her win, already.

Asaka, even without the favor, was a competitive bitch.

She liked challenges, and she liked destroying people's egos.

Those who thought they could take on the young girl, needed to go to a mental doctor to mend their broken egos.

That was an exaggeration.

"Alright, get on with it, bitches." Asaka streteched, "You all are going down."

Asaka threw a rather nasty grin, showcasing her sharp fangs before jumped up to a tall paltform in the middle of the gym.

Her classmates (Bakugo was included), felt ticked with her obviously nasty taunt.

They glanced at each other, before letting out war cries and shooting her with several of amazing display of quirks.

Asaka did not even move as a protection spell settled itself around her. The girl waved her fingers, she decided to be as annoying as she could to let her other classmates showcased their entire skills.

Bakugo, who knew a few of her spells and how dangerous they were, decided to do his best.

He let out a rather big explosions, though did not aim it at her per-se, but instead to the platform she was sitting on.

Rocks, pebbles, dust were all shot out, effectively blinding everyone.

Asaka did not wait to return the favor, she shot out Aguamenti in a rather large quantity, she decided to make them have difficulty to move (because water was an effective obstacles)

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