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Belladonna did not think through about what she had to do to actually get involved in this world.

Bakugo Katsuki was a hero in training (or soon-to-be, she still did not know the timeline of this world), and that meant: if she wanted to actually converse with the boy, she needed to go to the same school he attended, which was UA High School.

A school for pro-heroes in training.

Belladonna did not want to be a hero, though. Throughout her Auror days, she was always between the line of good and evil. She could even be called morally grey (leaning way towards the darker side, but no one ever said anything to her because she was the most capable in the whole department), thus, she was not hero-qualified.

She also loved her fun and murder (she killed a lot of the criminals, but again, no one said anything to her), but a hero could not do that. They let them villains rot in jail, like what for?

Belladonna believed that they needed to uproot the problem once and for all so that the villains would not seek revenge when they escaped the prisons (much like how the uprising of the Death Eaters started from).

Why would you put villains and/or criminals altogether in a prison unless you wanted some small problems becoming real problems.

That was not even the only reason she was stressed.



She would not want to go back and do homework and exams all over again if she could help it.

No, no, thank you very much.

She would much prefer to tend to a garden, and she hated gardens to going back to school.

Also, the fact that she would have to encounter math or arithmancy, whatever. She would not go back there, again.

However, she would not be able to see Bakugo Katsuki...

Damn, she sounded way too perverted for her liking and the fact that she was mentally twenty two.

Go away pedophilia.

But, right now, she was physically 15.

The right age for applying to UA, exactly what the fuck was a coincidence? Never knew her.

But like, the one and only crush (even though he was fictional)? Were we about to pass that one up?


Aight, to UA High School we go.

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