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"CLASS, WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT JOINING US TODAY. Introduce yourself and whatever, I'm going back to sleep." Mr. Aizawa aka Erasure Head, the homeroom teacher who definitely looked like he had not slept for years, came up to the class before he snuggled back into the banana looking sleeping bag she had seen in the anime.

It did look comfortable though, but like, did it have to be yellow?

As she was eyeing the sleeping teacher, someone in the class cleared their throat, trying to catch her attention.

It worked.

Not that she liked being interrupted, but she realized it was necessary to introduce herself to the class she had seen their (entire first year filled with tragedy) lives.

The boy with the glasses, Tenya Iida.

The boy who had a stick up his ass and was reckless and stupid enough to catch his brother's attacker alone, raised his hand.

"Please introduce yourself to the class, Miss..?"

"Reaper, my name is Belladonna Septhis Reaper, 15 years old, nice to meet you all." Belladonna decided to talk with English, seeing that her accent worked a lot better when she introduced herself rather than when she introduced herself in Japanese.

It gave off purity and innocence, yet there was a hint of seductiveness.

"I hope we can have a fun time together," She finished her introduction with Japanese seeing that no one could understand what she had said except for Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shoto, and her man; okay got to throw her brain out of the gutter, she meant Bakugo Katsuki.

Seeing that she was about to live in this world (maybe permanently, she did not know if she somehow could world hopping), she had to research how to permanently keep the language spell on; because honestly it was starting to be a bother to turn on the spell every time she had to converse with someone.

She got magic, she could do whatever she imagined. If you got a will, you could do anything. that was magic.

The only thing she needed to do was to research, and seeing that she got back into her younger self, time was on her side. Though, hopefully she could get the permanent spell combined with the language spell as soon as possible, seeing that she would have to make conversations every day from then on.

She continued before any of the children in front of her could react, shrugging, "Well, the reason I transferred was because of some family business, and we decided to settle down here."

She magicked everything, to be honest.

She had settled more or less everything: from the guardians, birth certificate, until the living situation and the cost expenses. It only took her a day to get everything done, from the very start progress until the finalization.

The fact that she could transfigure some leaves to yen or some rocks to a golem to act like it was her guardian made everything even more efficient.

Also, she definitely did not imperio some policemen to act as the witnesses that she had finally become Japan's civilian legally.

She was an efficient bitch.

Before her attention could have a flashback, Mr. Green-haired boy who destroyed his everything for power (literally) raised his hand up, "Um, Miss Rip-... sorry, I don't know how to say it in Japanese."

Okay, she got to admit that was cute.

The girl chuckled, "It's fine, you all can call me Asaka. That's the somewhat similar meaning of my name: beautiful demise, poisonous plant who can kill you, eternal death, someone who reaps souls, yadda yadda, the same."

"Um.. okay...," The boy blushed as he stuttered.

The class quietened, not really sure how to react:

The girl applied to a school to be a pro hero, but her name's literal meaning was death?

"Well, nice to meet you all if you don't have any questions." She shot the class her million dollar smile, and somehow the 1a class could see why she was named 'beautiful demise'.

She definitely knew how gorgeous (beautiful, drool-worthy, show stopping, et cetera) she was, and she really was; with her black hair swished behind her back, her siren eyes that quite metaphorically could stun you, plump lips that definitely did not show her fangs.

She was a beauty; she was the fresh air, the cold drink after a marathon, you know it.

"Um..." Before she could even take a step from the podium, Midoriya Izuku, the boy who had raised his hand, decided to raise his hand, again. She internally sighed, the boy was too curious for his sake, but decided to just get his curiosity to die down once and for all. She cocked her eyebrow and nodded, signing that he could continue.

So he did.

He asked, "M-May I know.. your q-quirk?"

Maybe it was the impatient, or maybe it was the dislike slash hatred, but before she could answer the green haired, someone interrupted him, "SHUT UP, DEKU! Stop wasting time with the extra! AND YOU, EXTRA! Just know that I will be the number 1 hero! SO SIT YOUR ASS DOWN!"

She blinked once, twice.

She definitely had a crush on this godly looking boy, but she definitely did not like how he, not only interrupted her, also raised his voice at her.

He could raise his voice to whoever he wanted, but never to her.

Unless he was a masochist and loved punishments.

Therefore, to give him a taste of what she could do (any maybe because she would like to know his reaction), she decided to put him in his place, she mumbled, "Stupify."

The class witnessed how The Bakugo Katsuki's body went rigid and slumped on his desk, unmoving. Her new classmates were almost panicking when the girl cleared her throat,

She saw the bewilderment and surprised Pikachu face on her classmates' faces, she chuckled.

"I'm a witch."

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