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THE LUNCH TIME CAME, and truth be told, Asaka only came to school for this moment only.

She did not care about becoming a hero.

She did not care about the homework.

She also did not care about the literal studying.

She only came for the food.

Well, she also came to school because she had a boy to take home.

Before she could even begin to pack up her things, Mina Ashido came rushing to her desk. Asaka mentally smirked when the pink girl asked, "Hey, Asaka. My name is Mina Ashido, and I'm wondering if you want to sit with us?"

The gossip queen pointed behind her and Asaka could see Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Sero Hanta, and Jiro Kyoka waving their hands at her.

She could also see how Bakugou tch'ed but did not retort anything.

Well, good progress, she believed.

"Yea, sure." She smiled her charmed everyone to do her bidding smile as she twirled her hand, packing her book without her having to do anything.

Yes, she could do wordless and wandless spell, was that not obvious?

However, the bakusquad, and some few strays who happened to pay attention to her gaped with their jaw almost hitting the ground. She knew what they thought, though: her quirk (she was quirk less but no one would know that), was way too convenient.

"I'm ready." She stated the obvious, as she watched how her soon to be friends (or allies) blinked before Mina scrambled next to her, her eyes sparkled.


Asaka could hear Bakugo tch'ed (for the second time this few minutes period) and mumbled about extras and their weak quirks or something along the line, she did not pay that much attention to know the boy; however because she was such a generous and elegant lady, she decided to just let him go.

She twirled her hand a few times and the books belonging to the bakusquad decided to behave well and settle themselves into their owners' bags.

Earning much more than gaping children.

She giggled, but slung her arm across Mina's shoulder and walked towards the door, "Let's go guys, the food ain't waiting for no one."

缘分 (yuán fèn) | bakugo katsukiWhere stories live. Discover now