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Good Merlin,

Belladonna could not believe that just as she stepped inside the city after travelling with Mr. Aoi Junki and his group (they separated just a few minutes ago because they needed to settle down and she did not care to join), she would somehow meet this world's main characters.

She sighed, almost wanting to turn back around and lived in the forest, away from the problematic human beings.

At least, that was what she was thinking, not that she would actually do it.

That would be too much work, and she intended to not work so hard, starting from: accepting the reality.

Besides, there was a bright side if she had accepted her reality a tad bit earlier.

My Hero Academia's second male character: Bakugo Katsuki.

Belladonna's one and only crush (fictional or not, he was the only for her, period.)

The one character who had both superiority and inferiority complex. The crude, arrogant, short-tempered, and aggressive hero in training. The one who has the anger issues of a mentally disabled person. Yet, he was powerful, ambitious, and overall inspirational.

Yes, that Bakugo Katsuki.

The hottie.


and then came the explosions.

"...Fuck. I'm screwed, ain't I?" Belladonna could only sigh and succumbed into a self-pity party with herself.

Another explosions (bigger and louder than the previous one) occurred.

There was it.

Her answer.

"I'm fucked." The black-haired beauty exclaimed, breathless as she bit her lip. She did not know what to do. Should she be a nosy slash annoying person and stopped him going after the green haired male character? Should she just be a random bystander and enjoy the show?

Because, even though she was fucked and mentally unstable right now, Bakugo Katsuki wrecking havoc running after Midoriya Izuku and the latter running away to save his life was a great entertainment.

"Kacchan! I'm sorry!" The green haired boy shouted as he zigzagged past the onlookers (muttering apologies and excuses here and there) who threw curses and angry mutters at him.

"STOP, YOU DAMN DEKU! COME BACK HERE!" Kacchan, or rather, Bakugo Katsuki, raised his voice as he pushed past the passersby, screamed one more time, "I'LL KILL YOU ONCE I GET MY HAND ON YOU! STOP RUNNING YOU LOSER!"

Yup, she definitely prefer enjoying the show to break them up. It was entertaining (and dangerous, but where was the fun if there were no danger).

She watched how Deku tumbled over nothing, but managed to catch himself and began running away, again. She also watched how red Bakugo's face became more and more red by the second, indicating that he was even more angry; or maybe frustrated was the more accurate word.

She knew that feeling rather well, how one could not catch a slippery rat which was obviously below us. Not that Midoriya Izuku with all his main character plot armor was a slippery rat. It was meant to be metaphorical.

However, Belladonna did think that Midoriya Izuku was not as powerful as the supposed to be main character. He did have the quality to be the main character though, sad background story, absent family member (his dad went to buy milk), and the determination completed with the hero moral and will.

Though, she would prefer Todoroki Shoto to be the main character, or maybe even Kirishima Eijiro - but they did have their flaws as well.

Maybe even Katsuki: the Unheroic Hero.

Should be a very funny anime...or not

What if the main character was the bitch Todoroki Enji instead? Shudders.

Enjoying another twenty minutes of the cat and dog chase filled with vulgar and definitely not heroic words, Belladonna decided it was time for her to get things settled.

No, she would not interfere, why would she?

She decided to conjure and transfigure important documents to settle herself in the city (read: birth certificate, and all those important stuffs, et cetera) before she went to the police station, acting clueless and naïve (before she would imperio the important people to get her things settled faster).

She also did not forget to transfigure bunch of pebbles on the street into money she definitely needed to keep on living (read: shopping, eating, bribing, no one needed to know the details).

Well, life would probably a little bit easier now that she did not need to work (seeing as she was still a kid, physically).

She could also probably meet (or date and marry) her crush now that they were in such a small city, because now that she had seen the real person? Damn Morgana, he was hotter than in the anime.

The boy definitely looked hotter than some of the hottest fan arts going around the fandom, and that was saying a lot because those fan arts were hot (yes, she checked, and definitely not printed the poster, nope).

However, she would not seek him out actively, because that would be pedophilia (bro was fifteen, she was twenty-two). Performing the Unforgivable was totally okay, but pedophilia? Get the fuck out of the wa-

"FUCKING DEKU! DIEEEE!" Yes, yes, Belladonna would seek him out.

Now that she was the only one who knew it was pedophilia - or not really, since she was physically fifteen, like how he was.

Seven years of age gap was not that far anyway, though she would still wait for them to be on legal ages to do the rated.

Well, Belladonna guessed that she would rather enjoy, fulfill all of her bucket list, and do the illegal things she would do secretly in her old world, without being afraid to be thrown into Azkaban, because what even the Dementors or the Ministry could do even if they knew she was performing the Unforgiveable Curses? World hopping?

It could even turn out more entertaining and fun than she originally thought.

Avada Kedavra-ing some villains would be fun now!

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