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"YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME." Someone groaned as they muttered. A gasp and a thump could be heard after a few seconds had passed. "W-what?"

Belladonna could not understand what was happening to her right about now. The lady remembered how she was blasted away by an explosion before a warm feeling encasing her whole.


She definitely believed in a lot of things (she was a witch - this explained enough, right?); but being alive unscathed after that huge of an explosion was not one of them. The reaper girl had already accepted her death, and waking up in a forest bordering a city was making her question things.

Moreover, she could feel the pain in her body, definitely similar to the Auror's training where she got crucio-ed and physically tortured muggle-style.

Remembering such event drained her already empty energy and she decided to just let everything go and take a rest.

The girl was probably should not rest in the middle of a forest (even though she could see the city from where she was laying at), but she could not find in herself to care whether stray animals or monsters or some psychopaths would appear.

She had already died once. Twice was not making anything different.

Also, to make things better, her robe, wand, and even broomstick were all transported with her. Well, not that she really needed them, but those things held a lot of memories.

"Um, kid?"

Someone, or rather, a group of people from the sound of their breathings and footsteps, appeared behind her, talking in a foreign yet familiar language she could not decipher. Sighing, the witch turned around and gaped in surprise.


Were they human beings?

Where was she got transported to?

Was this still the same Earth she had lived in before?



"Um, excuse me?" The... supposed to be human being (or not, she had yet to decide) spoke again in that familiar yet foreign language she seemed to know but not.

"...Sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about." She replied in English. Her accent shone as she spoke word by word, slowing down when she observed from their facial expressions (or at least she hoped) that they did not understand her like how she did not understand them.

She gestured to the group with her pointer finger as a wait a minute before she muttered some self-made spell that could help her talk and understand with anything that could communicate (at least it worked in her original world, she could only hope it would work here as well, seeing that she did not know where she was at the moment.)

She cleared her throat and tested her voice, to determine that her voice came out.

"Hello?" She greeted, and by the way their faces lit up like how children on Christmas Day, she reckoned she succeeded.

"Oh, such a relief, I thought we would never understand each other." The group collectively sighed as the supposed to be leader said. He extended his hand as he introduced himself, "Good morning, young lady. My name is Aoi Junki, I'm a hero patrolling around this area. May I know who you are?"

Belladonna's stare must be deep enough as the group began to fidget around; and she was not to blame. If someone from her old world were to witness this - whatever this situation was, they would gape at them as well.

Aoi Junki, as he introduced himself, was a bird-headed human being (or a hero as he said). He got the beak, the wings, the talons, and even those feathers, seeing that feathers sprouted from behind his shirt.

"Oh! Apologies." Belladonna finally snapped herself out of the trance and stood up, swaying a little from the dizziness, she curtsied, "Greetings, Mr. Aoi Junki and everyone, my name is Belladonna Sephtis Reaper."

Her greeting must be over the top as the group gaped at her, just like how she did at them a few moment earlier.

"Truth be told, I don't even know how I ended up here. When I woke up, I was already here, and seeing that I was still alive and breathing, I decided to take a rest, as how you found me earlier." She concluded and shot an innocent smile which everyone could not help but to believe.

On one part, she did not lie. She did not know how she ended up in this other world where human x animals were the normalcy. She just decided not to give the full truth, in case the police or scientist decided to dissect her to find her origin.

Another part, she needed their help to get to the city and processed everything she would need to have to be an ordinary citizen.

Anyway, she just realized the guy called her young lady, even though he was supposed to be still in his early twenties. Then, what was her age now?

Belladonna had lived independently for most of her life, thus, habits die hard. The girl subconsciously transfigure the fallen leaves beside her to a mirror to check herself.

It came out as a surprise when she could recognize her (younger than it should have) appearance. Her black locks that should be right under her collarbone was cascading down to the small of her back, and now that she examined herself, her boobs and height shrunk a lot (like when she was in her fourth or fifth years on Hogwarts)

Not that she was flat or short, no. She was tall and her body was proportional for her age, it was just that she had used to have bigger boobs and taller body than she was now.

Someone cleared their throat, to catch the attention of the black-haired young lady who was obviously very distracted with her appearance to remember her guests.

She snapped her head high before she blushed, she could not believe she was forgetting the people in front of her because she was way too distracted of her reduced age, height, and the size of her boobs.

"My apologies," Bella voiced out, either she was shy or ashamed, she still had not yet decided.

The group laughed, finding the young girl innocent and cute, Aoi Junki replied, "No worries, young lady."

"Well, what are you going to do now, kid?" Someone from the group asked, he was fully human (or so she believed he was), "We are going to the Musutafu right now, are you going to tag along?"


Where did she hear that name?


"Yeah, Musutafu. We heard that All Might would teach at UA High School in this period of time, so we hope that we could maybe pass by him on the streets."

Shit. She knew everything from that one conversation and she dreaded it.

All Might, UA High, and Musutafu.

My Hero Academia, an anime series which she had watched before when she visited the muggle world the last time.

"...If everyone's okay, do let me tag along with you all. Thank you." Bella could not help but to utter those words.

This world she had just landed on, was a fictional world filled with heroes and villains trying to either save the world or destroy it; and she did not know whether she would like it here or not.

Not that she would be a hero nor a villain.

This was her second life, she would rather have an easy life.

Minus, the string of fate on her pinky finger seemed to forcefully drag her into a world filled with problem for her to interfere.

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