DD/:TheENDtale/ I'm Sorry

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Sans sighed heavily, softly clicking off the recorder he stood trying to look strong but he couldn't help stare at the floor. Alphys looked at him unsure, her tone shaky and soft.

" Sa...Sans.... Yo...You don't have t...to do this."

He was silent for a minute and turned to her, giving her a forced smile.

"I have to... If I don't we are officially screwed every which way from Sunday and I can't let that happen Alphys....Not to you...Not to Paps..."

She couldn't do anything, she couldn't say anything. She just somberly nodded.

Walking to the next room over Sans undressed, looking at himself in the mirror. He sighed, changing into a hospital gown. He chuckled as he walked out.

"Been forever since I dressed this nice. What do you think Alphys? Am I the prettiest girl at the ball?"

He twirled and posed in silly ways trying to make her smile but she couldn't bring herself to. Sans walked to her and hugged her softly as tears streamed down her face.

"Hay, it'll be ok. This was my choice. I wanted this." She hugged him back tightly "I...I know...." Stiffening her lip she gently took his hand and laid Sans on the surgery table. Working diligently to hook him up to the plethora of devices.

They looked at each other quietly but in that moment she caught a glimpse at his tears. He took her hand and squeezed it looking up at her sadly.

"Alphys... Alphys I.. I'm scared." Panic set in and his breath quickened.

Sitting up, tears spilling down, burying his face in his hands he wailed. His voice was a visceral cry of suffering, hopelessness, and fear.

"I... I don't want to die..."

Hearing his fear she hugged him and together they sobbed.

It was unfair, it was cruel, without the hole to the surface humans couldn't enter and they wouldn't be able to leave. Without that any hope was lost.

Any hope except Sans...

Pulling away Sans gained his composure and laid back down. "Ok... I...I can do this."

"S....Sans....We can find another way."

He shook his head. "It's ok. I got it out of my system, I'm ready."

Nodding she approached his side and began removing his left eye. He squirmed, his breath hitched as he gripped the sides of the table.

Pulling it softly from his socket it finally released fully into her grip. With a quiet sigh and a small smile, Sans faded into dust.


Running after Blue, Hannah called for him. The vastness of the Anti-void made directions hard. She heard his sobs and followed the sounds seeing him walking slowly..

Reaching for him softly, she tried to soothe him. "Blue are you..."

He turned and in a blind rage lashed out, tears staining his face. His emotions overwhelming him beyond reason. " GET AWAY FROM ME!"

A fury of bone erupted from the ground and Blue could hear a sound of choking... A sickening cough and moan... Snapping out of it he looked at Hannah, her fraile body impaled on his bones.

In horror, he looked at her in shock. His body shook and he was overwhelmed with disgust for what he had done. Covering his mouth in horror, trying to force himself not to vomit.

"NO.... No...No...No... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you.... I didn't think you would follow me..."

Retracting his bones, her body fell limply to the floor. Blue ran to her, and cradled her softly, putting a hand on her wound trying to stop the bleeding. She softly reached for him, the blood on her hands smeared his face as she tried to wipe away his tears.

His sobs then shifted from himself to her. She did nothing wrong, she was checking on him, she was kind to him and he hurt her... He lashed out and hurt her...And even now there was no hate or fear, just worry for him. That fact made his chest twist and ache in shame.

He didn't understand. How could someone be so fragile yet be so strong?

"Blue.... What did you do?...."

Blue turned suddenly to Error not knowing what to say.

Staring at her broken body, Error looked at Blue covered in her blood. Absolute wrath took over, "THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!"

Taking Blue by the throat he threw him and knelt to her side, fretting over her wounds.

"I'm sorry... I didn't think he would go this far."

Sitting up Blue coughed, softly touching his throat.

"Error, please... I didn't mean to hurt her! You have to get Ink, I don't know if she can reset and if she dies there's no guarantee she'll come back. He's the only one who could save her..."

"SHUT UP! You've done enough!" Standing up Error approached Blue, glaring down at him.

"You were jealous of her... You're pathetic thinking killing her would win me."

Pleading with Error, "Please Error it's not like that! It was an accident..."

"Yeah?" With a hateful glare, Error stuck his nose up.

"Well, this isn't..."

In a swift movement Error opened a portal beneath Blue, his tears trailing as he fell in. Reaching for Error desperately, darkness consumed him and Error just as quickly shut it.

Error walked to Hannah's side, her blood pooling but she was still alive. Falling to his knees Error tried to touch her face, to comfort her but his hands shook. Pulling away he took a deep breath and leaned over her, she painfully looked at him almost in a daze, barely holding onto consciousness.

Straightening his back he made a needle and used his strings to thread it. He took a deep breath convincing himself that what he was about to do was what needed to be done. But the idea made him shake, he gulped through it, looking to Hannah softly.

"This will hurt... But I will fix you.."

Then forcing himself to touch her, he took her tattered flesh and began to sew her back together. Treating her like a soft broken doll, he carefully worked, sewing her together.

Lost in the focus of his work he used everything he had to try and save her. His hands shook, his body throbbed in pain but there was a need, a need to protect her, a need to know who she was and why her existence was changing everything. Why it was changing him...

She's just like a doll...

He thought to himself, trying to convince himself that he wasn't touching anyone.
She winced and cried but she never complained, she just squeezed the fabric of his pants as she grit her teeth.

Once done he looked at his handiwork, the bleeding had stopped, but her gaze was glazed over and still.

She lay there motionless, the shock of his attempt had killed her. Leaving her a patched-up corpse in the puddle of her own blood.

Error stared in horror, the loss making his body shake and he screamed. Clawing at his face her death stabbed through him. He shook her body "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! NOT YET! NOT UNTIL I KNOW EVERYTHING!!! YOU CAN'T FUCKING LEAVE ME!!!"

Panting he stared off, not knowing what to do. Until he saw movement from the corner of his eye. He looked down trying to see if she was alive but she was still cold. Except something odd was happening.

Her wounds were squirming.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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