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As Error lay on his beanbag the voice of the woman hanging above him, haunted him. It was similar to the one he heard before in his dream.

"Hello my love..." it said. That huge entity, its strange body, the void littered with more strings than he could ever imagine...

When she crashed into him from that mysterious door, he was shocked to hear those same words and that gentle smile. One that made his heart flutter and his body shake.

Who was she? Why was she here? And what was that....thing  that accompanied her?

The branch between the two gave him an uncanny feeling that he didn't know how to deal with, but this time he knew one thing for certain, his dreams held more answers than he realized before.

Closing his eyes, he willingly fell into the vastness of the unknown to find the answers.

Awakening once again in the strange empty world, he saw the being from before diligently knitting as the smaller doll creature looked on with awe. Squeaking in joy as they were shown how to knit and given loving head pats as they successfully followed directions.

Error looked at his hands, this time he could move but his body was still see-through. He could walk but his strings and gaster blasters were out of his reach.

He walked to them slowly, cautiously. He eyed the doll creature and narrowed his eyes. It was like a mockery of Sans, a modge podge sewn together like Frankenstein's creature.

He grits his teeth....

Fucking anomaly....

But he sucked it up, his curiosity getting the better of him as he crept further.

The knit Sans noticed him and squeaked excitedly running to him happily. As the being ran to him, they clumsily tripped over his own feet falling before Error.
Error looked at it awkwardly but he couldn't help let out a small chuckle and instantly hid it when the creature stood up, brushing itself off.

They kept running to Error and hugged him tightly. Error struggled and squirmed, screaming with a high-pitched hiss. The feeling of being touched shot through him like countless needles stabbing him all at once.

"NO DON'T TOUCH ME!!! GET OFF!!!! I'M NOT OK!!" The being let Error go and guiltily whimpered as he plopped onto the ground. Hyperventilating  Error crawled away from the creature but something strange was happening.

He looked at his hands and noticed he wasn't glitching, the ERROR symbols weren't there and despite his stress, he could still see. He looked at himself perplexed as the innocent creature looked at him gently, its face twisted in guilt for upsetting him.

With all the commotion the larger entity that was knitting took notice and walked to the smaller one. "Knit.... Error doesn't like touches, they're overstimulating for him. If you want him to feel loved, respecting that is how you do it."

Knit stood up and sat across from Error, not touching him, just near enough to show their attention was on him. They squeaked trying to convey their understanding but it just served to make Error feel awkward.

The larger entity chuckled in endearment, their voice a mix of masculine and feminine voices. "I apologize, Knit is spirited, there's no one else around to teach them how to socialize. But he's harmless and just wants to be friends."

Error narrowed his eyes and sighed. "Fine... Knit huh? Just don't touch me!"

He pointed at Knit and he nodded in understanding.

Error looked at the larger creature and huffed. "So... Who are you? Last time I didn't catch your name."

The entity sat crosslegged next to Knit and its LED screen shifted to a big smile "You can call me FeatERROR."

Error perked up at the name. "You're an Error? Are you changed from the Anti-Void or are you another me from a different AU?"

FeatERROR tapped their chin, the LED changing to a "?" as they thought.

"Yes and no" They simply said. "I am Error and yet I'm also not."

Error gave them a deadpan look, obviously not thrilled with the vague answer.

"That doesn't explain anything..."

FeatERROR sighed slumping over not sure how much to elaborate.

"I'm sorry.... The easiest way to explain it, is that I'm you from a different timeline."

Error looked around at all the strings and the endless void.

"Ok...So where is everyone? Where's your Ink and other Sans?"

FeatERROR's tone turned to only the masculine, their voice sad as their shoulders drooped.

"They're not here Error.... Everyone is dead. This place.... is THE END." 

DD/: TheENDtale (Undertale AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now