DD/:TheENDtale/ Shards

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The two towers were surrounded by stars, the beautiful blues and pinks of the galaxy above swirled the sky with color. Error couldn't sleep, his mind was reeling with thoughts. With everything happening he didn't want to be alone.

Finding a rock decorating his desk he threw it into Ink's window. After a loud thud, he loudly whispered "PSSST INK! Are you awake?" Ink walked to the window leaning on its ledge. "Really? A rock?"
Flustered and a bit embarrassed Error growled, "IT WAS ALL I COULD FIND!"

Sighing Ink gives Error a soft smile. "It's ok, I'm awake."

Settling down Error sits on the window seal holding his legs. "Trouble sleeping?"

"No, I don't sleep."

Error looked at him completely shocked.

Ink rested his head on his hand, amused by Error's curiosity.

"I don't get tired, so I don't sleep."

"So what do you do?"

Taking the question to heart Ink thought deeply about it.

"I draw, think and try to remember things."

Error tilted his head curiously "What are you trying to remember?"

Ink giggled sweetly "I don't remember...."

Giving Ink a deadpan look Error hopped of the window ledge and into his room. He grabbed his journal, a pen and quickly drew himself looking annoyed as Ink watched in utter fascination. Leaning so far out his window he almost fell off the edge.

Once completed Error showed Ink and he beamed with ecstatic joy. Trying to reach Error's window excitedly.

"YOU DRAW!!!! ERROR IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!! I need to see it up close!!!"
Error pulled back, holding his drawing close to his chest as his face flushed blue.

"STOP THAT! It's a little good...."

"What are you talking about? You're a great artist and it's funny too."
Ink giggled happily as Error looked away bashfully.
"I.....Er......Thank you.."

Error smiled softly at Ink, a gentle look that Ink had never seen from Error, which made his face blush. Seeing that smile made him want to draw, to paint that face in every color. To immortalize it forever in paper and stone.
It was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

"Of course"

Smiling back softly, Ink happily sat at his desk and drew pictures of Error holding his drawing. Not wanting to forget that gentle look on his face and the pride he felt over his creation.
Bathing in the inspiration that guided his hand.


Blue looked at Error softly, he wanted to yell, to scream at him for forgetting him... Again. But he couldn't do it, he knew Error always had so much on his shoulders and with this woman here he knew something was up. Though he had to ask, he had to know what Error thought of him... Of them as a couple. So taking a deep breath Blue looked at Error determined to face this head-on.

"So... Um you forgot about our date again..."

Error crossed his arms avoiding eye contact.

"Oh... I did? Sorry.."

Blue looked at Error, his flat response tore into him but he got close to Error, reaching towards his face Error pulled away.

"Error... What are we? What am I to you?" The look on his face was sad and almost desperate. Blue fought back tears afraid of his answer.

Error sighed "Shit... We're doing this now? Really?!...." He huffed annoyed but he looked at Blue seriously." Fuck fine.... You're a piece of ass... A good time..." He turned away "But since you bring it up... I'm ending whatever it is we're doing. It was fun but I don't see it lasting between us. You can still hang out since Hannah seems to like you but just.... Don't touch me..."

Blue's eyes widen, tears streamed down his face. The note in his pocket became a horrible weight that dragged his heart further down. But he couldn't contain it anymore, he couldn't hold back his feelings.

"Error... What are you saying?! 'I'm just a piece of ass'?! The fuck is wrong with you?! I was there for you, supported you! I actually care about you! Now you're dropping me because a random woman pops up and somehow things get serious?!"

Blue grits his teeth "I trusted you...I believed in you but you were just using me... I was just a convenient hole for you?" He choked up, his sobs gaining the attention of Hannah who walked to Error and Blue concerned.

"Hay what's going on..... I.... " Blue ran off in tears into the anti-void, reaching for Blue she sharply turned to Error.

"Error what happened!? Why is Blue so upset?" He pouted. "I broke things off with him... I didn't want loose ends...." Raising a brow, Hannah put her hands on her hips. "What do you mean loose ends?! I didn't even know you and Blue were together! Why didn't you tell me? I don't mind if he loves you too, he seems like he genuinely cares."

He grunted, the audacity of that. She didn't know anything, she didn't know how he saw her or how Blue made him feel. 

"NO HE DOESN'T!" Error snapped. Rubbing his brow he took deep breaths to control him. "He... I... We did things just for fun.... It was purely superficial. You have to believe me, I'm not into him..." He reached for her trying to show he wasn't like that but Hannah stepped back. She pulled away from him with a look of disgust and even fear.

"People don't act like that if it was purely superficial... Maybe it was for you but you really hurt Blue...." She tried to hold back her tears, upset with Error for yelling at her.

Blue was sweet, kind, and accepting. Whatever he said broke Blue's tender heart and it frustrated her. No, more than that it angered her. "I understand if that's not something you wanted from him but you didn't have to be such a fucking dick. You did that to Blue and now me? You don't get to treat people like that Error." She sighed glaring at Error and ran after Blue.

Error stood there in shock. No one had ever called him out like that. People have called him a demon, monster, beast and so much more but having his actions and their responsibility be addressed so frankly was something new. Most of the time people just called him evil and tried to kill him, but accountability?
That oddly enough hit him harder than their hatred of him.

Especially since her opinion seemed to hit him more than anyone else.

He looked at his hands and considered her words. Something was changing in him. He didn't understand why she mattered but her words made his stomach twist.

Was he the one taking everything for granted? He destroyed others, but was he actually wrong? Was it actually worth it to protect himself like this?

Everyone else was an anomaly.... Right?....Right?

Or.... was he? He stared at her form that was shrinking in the distance. He reached for her and Ink watched him, his eyes cold as he saw Error process the multitude of thoughts. Ink walked to Error, he didn't understand why his body tensed. Why every ounce of energy left him with only one singular need. 

Getting close to Error he slapped him hard on the back of his head.


Snapping out of his thoughts he sharply turned to Ink to bark at him but looking into Ink's eyes, his face was twisted in rage and disappointment. For once Ink made Error feel small, the guilt in his core building till all he could do to break free was to run after them, leaving Ink behind. His glare bore into the back of his head.

DD/: TheENDtale (Undertale AU Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz