DD/:TheENDtale/ Blueberry Heartaches

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Blue was staring up at the sky, the peacefulness of the breeze hit his face as he breathed deeply. He looked into his hand as he softly smiled seeing the small gift he made with Ink's help. It was a small drawing of him and Error, with the bold words "Will you go out with me?"

It was of course cheesy and flamboyant, covered in glitter and stickers but it was made from the heart. He wanted to desperately to give it to Error, to make what they had official.

He took a few deep breaths waiting patiently on a bench overlooking a serine park. His chest ached, as he tried to steady his nerves as he waited patiently for Error to pick him up and take him to the Anti-Void.

"Today is the day...." He said with a shaky voice, trying to look confident as he waited...And waited.... And waited....

Night eventually fell and Blue softly started to cry, tears staining his small drawing. As he sobbed, Papyrus walked to him, hands in his jacket as he approached his brother softly.

"Hay.... I was worried about you..."

Blue quickly tried to hide his tears, doing his best to look strong for his brother.
"I...I'm sorry.... I thought I had plans with a friend but I guess they fell through..."

Papyrus narrowed his eyes "It's Error again isn't it?"

He snorted in annoyance.

"I don't like how he treats you, you deserve someone who doesn't use you as a glorified booty call...."

Stiffing his back Blue instantly went to Error's defence. "It's not like that! Error cares about me! He really does.... He just gets...Overwhelmed and forgets things...."

Papyrus stared at Blue, his glaze practically screamed for his brother to come to his senses but he sighed, understanding that he had to learn on his own. The more he pushed, the more he pushed his brother away. So he sat next to him quietly and put his arm around him.

"It's ok to cry..."

With those words it was like a dam broke, every ounce of stress, sadness, and fear broke like a flood, he gripped onto his brother's jacket and sobbed.

After letting it all out Papyrus gently petted his brother's head.
"Let's go home, it's getting cold."
"What if he comes and I'm not here?"
The question greatly angered him but he held it in, giving his brother a soft smile.

"It'll be ok, he knows where we live, so it's not a big deal."

Hand in hand they walked home together as Blue softly sniffed, his face puffy from his tears. Once they got home Papyrus got a bath made for him and wiped his face.

"Hay, go wash up and I'll make you some tacos."

With a small smile, Blue nodded and headed to the bathroom.
As he undressed he looked at his body, looking at his skeletal form. He softly traced the line of his ribs, he looked at his arms and legs.

As he did he couldn't help but remember their nights together, his touch, his hot breath as they moaned and moved as one. How he would take him ravenously like he was starving like only he could fill the holes in Error's heart.

More than that he thought about how he was the first one that Error wanted to touch, how he was strong enough to be Error's rock. How he wanted desperately to be someone Error could love and desire.

But looking in the mirror at his naked body he felt broken and vulnerable.

His body was painfully plain, the most notable thing was his blue eyes with glittering stars and blue freckles that dotted his face but beyond that, he felt so powerless, even useless.

He wanted to be like Error, have that strength to overcome anything and fight for what he wanted but Blue wasn't like that. Yes, he could fight and defend others but his heart practically bled for the people around him. He was so aware of others that sometimes it became overwhelming, even a burden to bond with other people. He constantly gave everything and it exhausted him.

Error was so different, there was a calm with him, a quiet that felt peaceful and powerful. Almost like a grand beast in his cave, strong yet majestic. He didn't want Blue or anything he had to give and it was almost releiving. However, that relief made Blue want to give to Error more than anyone.

Because every time Error choose him he felt loved, needed, and important. He felt like he was as strong as he wished he was. He felt worthy.

But once again Error stood him up and every time it chipped away at his soft heart.

Stepping into the bath, he let the warmth relax his bones. Sighing heavily he sank into the water letting himself sink down till the water was right below his nose. He blew bubbles into the water and lifted his head out of the water, leaning back against the back of the tub.

Papyrus was in the kitchen diligently cooking the meat for the tacos. He lifted his head and stared somberly at the bathroom door.

He didn't understand his brother. It was obvious Error didn't care about him as a person. It was obvious Error was using him but the more he tried to protect his brother the more he became attached to Error.

His brother was always so soft, so kind and hopeful. He always saw the good in people when it simply wasn't there. He was this small blue beacon of joy that made the resets bearable but now he was helpless to help his brother.

Helpless to protect him from himself and it broke his heart.

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