DD/:TheENDtale/ What Came After

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The creature loomed over the scattered pieces of rainbow strings. It's large 12-foot tall frame towering over the mess before it. Its head bobbled slightly, untethered from its neck, floating freely above the scarf that rested on their shoulders, the loose end falling over to replace its right arm.

The face lit up revealing a green emoji to express its focus. Lighting up like the screen of an old 90's computer screen. Its left arm reached out with skeletal fingers, gently touching the strings, gathering them silently.

The creature wearing a jacket that exposed its ribs and one long sleeve that covered its arm, barely exposing its fingers, trimmed with blue and barely held on with crude stitches. It wore bell-bottom pants with a similar style and nice dress shoes that pointed and had a heel. Decorated on its head was a small top hat with a bow centered with a small skull.

The creature made neat piles, organizing them by shape, size, and color. Once finished they took from their back a large needle and a giant seam ripper. Using the needle to bind the small slices of strings into one large ball of glowing yarn. It took off its small hat, pulled out 2 large knitting needles, and set to work.

But it stopped and looked up into the white vastness and the endless blue strings that decorated its infinity. It sighed and looked defeated.

The creature spoke, its words a broken distortion of 2 voices, one male and the other female. Its voiced glitched and echoed as it spoke to itself.

The male voice oozed out, its sadness evident.

"Will they hate me?"

The female voice echoed a calm softness.


"Will they ever forgive me?"

"That's not something for us to choose..."

Her voice trailed off. "The best we can do is try my love and accept the consequences."

The male voice sighed defeated, the screen shifted to a look of sadness, then winced and continued to work.

Once finished they sat the small doll down, the poor thing a glitched mess. With a soft poke of the needle, it's pixels settled into place and it opened its eyes. Its form was a small knit doll made to look like Sans. Though its skeletal features were smoothed out to make it look more plush, its head and eyes still resembled him. The tiny knit Sans looked up at the creature, unable to speak it simply squeaked and reached for them, longing to be held.

They softly scooped him up, holding him like a newborn.

Their voice in unison cooed to him gently, their voices cracking with emotion as they held their creation.

The multiverse had ended, there was nothing but scraps of what remained from the destruction. If they didn't have each other they would have gone mad ages ago but together they worked tirelessly to search and rebuild the broken fragments of time and space.

They removed their mask, revealing a skull with long crystal fangs. Its eyes hearts, one a crystal heart that shown in different luminous colors like angel quartz the other an upsidedown heart that glitched and shifted to their mood. Never settling, never staying as one simple thing, a frustrating plexity of feelings the male voice struggled to understand and accept.

But right now its eye glowed a soft green, smiling at its creation with warmth and cradling it with care.

Behind them a giant flower grew, its blossoms dying as its roots formed a door, the crest on the wood was of a tree and its roots.

It opened to a strange being. Her head was littered with too many eyes, her mouth resting on the right side of her face and her nose crooked. Her body is wooden, framed by a tight corset that puckered her large chest, designed for display rather than practical use. Her pelvis is framed by a flowing skirt with many layers of fine fabric. Her legs tapered off into pointed pikes of wood.

The creature turned and looked at their guest, their creation cowering not knowing what it was that stood before them. It shook and whimpered hiding behind their creator's fingers.

The strange guest walked towards them, despite her strange appearance she radiated confidence and sexuality.

The creature's feminine voice spoke up happily. "My dear friend!"

Leaning down to meet the guest's gaze they held their creation close. The small being hearing its creator's cheerful tone started to calm down and get more curious. Peering between the fingers to observe the stranger.

The stranger smiles up at them. "Hello, my lovelies."
She gazes at the emptiness and taps her chin. "So empty. Is this what you want?"

They looked down to their creation lovingly, they spoke in unison. "I would have rather not lost our loved ones but I'm grateful for what I have." Their creation squeaks in agreement and nuzzles them.

Their guest giggles and stares. "What if I gave you a way to change this fate? I can't help you but you can stop the being who created this and prevent more harm."

The creature looks at the door seeing how small it is compared to their 12-foot-tall form.

"I don't think I'll fit." They looked at their guest with a shrug while she simply just giggled.

"No, no you need to stay. But if you can help guide and open his heart, you can stop the fiend in his tracks." She holds out her clawed hand.

"Will you help me?"

They nod, the scarf softly touches her hand, as they do she is replaced with a see-through figure. His black skull lulls idolly as his black and yellow coat softly drifts to the non-existent wind. His scarf flows softly as his red eyes look up to the figure before him.

The creature looks down on Error, a shallow ghost in their world, unable to fully move or react he simply stares wide-eyed at the sight. He wanted to scream or attack but he couldn't move. 

These anomalies were in his sight, they captured him, bound him, and forced him to watch their disgusting existence.

But they watched him patiently and the feminine voice spoke. "Hello, my love..."

Error jolted awake, breathing heavily as he stared up into the web of string that decorated the Anti-Void. Sitting up he looked around and sighed. Adjusting himself in his beanbag he leaned back and mulled over his dream. Everything felt familiar, felt real, the fear he felt was so real...

But her voice made him feel... different. It was something comforting and familiar yet so foreign it stirred a profound loneliness he tried to forget. He softly hit his head repeating over and over "It was only a dream..."Taking a deep breath he curled back up, relaxing back into a comfortable spot, and drifted off back into his dreams.

DD/: TheENDtale (Undertale AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now