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*His pov*
"Take care of anaya. I don't want you to leave her alone today or anytime in the future. She's still new to all this so take care of her".

Why is dad saying all this to me suddenly. I looked out of the window and there stood Anaya looking at me. Dad just patted my shoulder and got down. Am I not new to all this dad?

I got down and held her hand. I can't feel her palm wet and soft probably due to sweat. We went inside like this to show people off how happily married we are.

I decided to leave when anaya's mom came and asked for some privacy. It's her mom so I can leave her alone now.

I felt her hold on my hand. What's wrong with her. She seemed fine a few seconds ago. I took her out when she started to breathe heavily.

I gave her water and asked her what happened after she calmed down. But her answer made me hurt. Does she think soo low of me?

I can't stand her presence around. It's irritating me now. I felt her and slamed the car door with anger.

"Hi nihal. How's your love life going with my sissy?" I looked at her her sister Shanaya. I hate this girl more than Anaya and I don't know why.

"It's great, thanks to your sister. Both of us love each other a lot so don't worry we'll sort everything out" I said sarcastically from inside but it felt so real. I can see her buring in jealousy. Both the sister's are bitches.

"I think she's pleasing you too much on the bed just like she used to please her boyfriends. No wonder mahanth was head over heels for her".

What did she say? What is she trying to say? Did she just mention mahanth?

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know about it?"

"About what?"

"Anaya and mahanth were friends like you know like friends with benefits and all? Everyone knows about it. Heard she's soo good at bed"

"I also heard that she broke up with him because he didn't give information about you to her like she asked. She used him to get you."

Wait didn't Anaya say she doesn't know who mahanth is right. Anaya is such a slut that She slept with mahanth to know about me. Is that why mahanth fought with me that night? I never knew mahanth would hide something from me.

"Keep your girl to yourself. Don't know how many times she has sneaked out to have sex with other men after getting married to you. I thought you already knew all this nihal."

"And when did you become such a lover boy that you are matching outfits with her?"

Is that why she changed the saree in the morning. I saw her talking to dad about something. I never thought she could go soo low for something she needs. Don't know what she's luring with my dad about.

I left from there not wanting to listen more deeds done by her. All these thought kept boiling in my head. Now I can feel all the string getting connected.

I just went towards the drinks and drank until I could no more. I thought this could help but even this can't anymore.

After entering the room I saw her just standing in the room. No wonder mahanth chose her. She does really look hot. Shanaya's words kept running in my brain

Didn't she want to please men? Let's just give her what she wanted. I am craving for her now. I can see her small waist peeking out of the saree. Such a body she had lord.

I went towards her and started kissing her hungrily. I need those men to know that she belongs to me now.

I kept kissing her until she started to struggle to breathe. I left her lips and stated to suck her skin roaming my hands around her body.

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