21 | All Eyez On Me

Start from the beginning

"They have her, the system have her. I failed my own brother." Wayne remained lost in thought, his facial expression devoid of any discernible emotion, his eyes distant and unresponsive. Though tears streaked his face, they went unnoticed as they slowly dried. Tjay, lacking the words to offer solace, found himself in a state of quiet reserve. Unlike Cain and Wayne, he wasn't involved in their business dealings, leaving him with little to contribute to the conversation. Feeling somewhat like an outsider, he offered what comfort he could by gently patting his father's shoulders, silently lending his support while observing the interaction between them. Meanwhile, Celeste stood nearby, her heart heavy with the pain of witnessing Emauni's family distress over her disappearance. Despite her own anguish, she was determined to assist in any way she could, offering whatever details she possessed in hopes of aiding their search.

"It may or may not help, but Emauni has been seeing a boy named Juan. He's from Harlem, and hangs around you know... street people. Is there any possible chances that he probably had something to do with her being taken away?" All eyes turned towards Celeste, including Wayne's, who had been lost in his thoughts. The revelation seemed to awaken something within him, as he processed the news that Emauni had been involved with a boy behind his back—a fact he had been unaware of until now. It was a thing he had worked hard to keep buried, and now, with Emauni missing, the timing of them having a thing took on a troubling significance. Tjay, in particular, was visibly shaken by the revelation, as memories of that fateful night came rushing back to him.

He recalled the events with clarity now: how Juan had drugged him to gain access to Emauni, and how he had awoken in a daze to the sounds of their intimacy. At the time, Tjay had dismissed it as Cain and Serena, but now everything fell into place. Even the rumors he had overheard at school seemed to align with this newfound information. Though Tjay wanted nothing more than to confront Juan and reveal the truth, he knew he had to bide his time and approach the situation with caution, mindful of the potential consequences.

"What? Who is this Juan? Do you know any Juan?" Wayne glanced over at Cain, who shrugged and shook his head, indicating he didn't have any information. Tjay, however, chimed in with a crucial detail: "He goes by Scarface." The mention of the name sparked recognition in Wayne, Levi, and Cain. Scarface was a known associate of Sincere, and his involvement in the situation added a new layer to their search for answers. "Ima kill him... this whole time! We didn't know? Nigga was right under our nose! I bet that nigga Sincere had something to do with it, hell I bet it was even Sosa from how close them two seems!" Cain paced back and forth in the cluttered office, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. Serena approached him, attempting to soothe his agitation. Meanwhile, Tjay felt overwhelmed by the weight of the information he had just absorbed. The realization that Juan had intimate knowledge of his family's affairs left him feeling vulnerable and exposed. He knew that this marked the beginning of the end for Juan, as he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation ahead.

"We need a plan, a smarter plan. Something him, Sincere or even Sosa wouldn't even see coming." Wayne rose from the ground, his head throbbing, but determination driving him forward. He sifted through his files, pulling out photos from his private party that had been disrupted by the Louisianas. Among them was a picture of Roscoe, Juan, and Malik engaged in conversation, all sporting identical chains—a clear indication of their shared affiliations. As Wayne displayed the image to the others, Tjay and Celeste's hearts skipped a beat. Tjay felt a surge of concern due to his close relationship with Malik, whom he deeply respected as his personal supplier. Meanwhile, Celeste's emotions were stirred by her past connection with Roscoe, despite their relationship having soured over time. "The three fuckin' musketeers."

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