21 | All Eyez On Me

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Death Hides Among Those We Hold Dearest, Veiled By Familiarity. Watch Closely, For The Ones We Love Can Harbor The Darkest Schemes, Orchestrating Our Fate In Silence.

- 𝒥uan Collins


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The sound of shattering glass reverberated as Wayne hurled objects against the wall in his office, his rage consuming him. Every decoration in sight became a target for his fury. With the added stress of the police investigation looming over him, he found it impossible to focus on his responsibilities, leading to the cancellation of important meetings. It felt as though his entire street life was collapsing before his eyes, and he felt himself losing his edge. The fact that Emauni's whereabouts remained unknown only fueled his anger further. His office became a chaotic scene, strewn with torn papers, shattered glass, and dented walls from his punches and throws. In a moment of sheer frustration, he let out a primal scream that reverberated throughout the entire household, drawing the attention of everyone within earshot.

The door swung open, revealing Cain, Serena, Tjay, Levi, and Celeste. Their faces registered shock as they took in the chaotic scene before them, with Wayne in the midst of his rampage. He was clearly losing control, venting his frustration by relentlessly smashing his office desk with a wooden chair. "Wayne, what the fuck!" Cain, who typically addressed his father by his first name, sprang into action to prevent further harm, swiftly intervening to wrest the wooden chair from Wayne's grasp. Initially met with resistance, Cain's persistence eventually won out as Wayne relented, recognizing his son and unwilling to cause him harm. As the others looked on in concern, Wayne's composure began to crumble, his quiet sobs betraying the depth of his emotional turmoil. Collapsing to the ground beside an empty liquor bottle, it was evident that he had been drinking heavily, his mind clouded by intoxication.

"It's all my fault, man. I made a mistake." Wayne remained motionless on the ground, appearing utterly numb and disheveled, his eyes vacant and devoid of emotion as he stared into space. Sensing his father's distress, Cain seated himself beside Wayne, offering silent support. As Tjay caught the glares from the others, prompting him to join his family, he didn't hesitate to take a seat on the other side of Wayne, his presence serving as a comforting presence amidst the chaos. "What are you talkin' about? You ain't did shit, remember? As far as we know, someone's out there for yo' ass and it ain't the damn police." Cain emphasized the importance of Wayne maintaining his belief in his innocence, echoing the teachings imparted by his father. He stressed the power of affirming one's mind that they are not guilty, as this conviction can influence one's body language, which the police often scrutinize closely during investigations.

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