Synced Two

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(Readers Pov) - short recap

He set me down on the comfort of my bed, a sense of unease washed over me. His presence was both calming yet unsettling at the same time. Pulling up a chair, he sat beside me, his eyes hidden behind a mask that seemed to hold more secrets than I could ever imagine.

Resting my hand on the mask, I could feel a strange energy emanating from it. I found myself compelled to ask him to remove it, to reveal the face that lay beneath. He hesitated for a moment, as if unsure, before finally agreeing.

But as he started to comply, a sudden change came over him. It was as if he was no longer himself, as if his very identity was being stripped away before my eyes. I reached out to remove the mask myself, only to be met with a visceral reaction.

In a panic, he pulled away, demanding his mask back with a sense of urgency that bordered on hysteria. "Don't look at me!" he cried out, his voice filled with fear. I could see the turmoil within him, the struggle to contain something dark and sinister that threatened to consume him whole.

I took a step back, handing him back his mask as he fumbled to secure it back in place. But then, to my horror, he reached into his chest and pulled out a ruby gem, his hands stained with blood. "I'm not letting that thing control me any longer," he uttered, his words filled with determination and defiance.

I knew then that something was terribly wrong, that his change of heart was not for the better. But despite the danger, I felt compelled to help him, to aid him in bandaging the wound that now bled profusely. He resisted at first, pushing me away with a look of defiance in his eyes, but eventually relented, allowing me to tend to his injury.

As I wrapped a bandage around his chest, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had stumbled into a world of darkness and mystery, where masks and gems held the key to a truth that was beyond my comprehension. And as I gazed into his eyes, now masked once more, I saw a glimmer of gratitude and something more... a hint of sadness, as if he carried a burden that no one should ever have to bear.

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