Chapter Thirty Eight(Zack/Alex)

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, behind the closed doors of the reception hall, Jack turned to Zack with a warm smile. "Are you ready for this, Z?"

Zack took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and anticipation. "I've never been more ready for anything in my life."

With that, Jack took Zack's arm, creating a poignant connection. Together, they prepared to walk down the aisle, embarking on a journey that would change Zack's life forever.

As the doors opened, revealing Zack in an identical suit to Alex, the room hushed in awe, and the crowd stood as the wedding march played. Jack guided Zack down the aisle, the two sharing a silent exchange of camaraderie and support. Zack's eyes gleamed with affection, fully aware of the significance of the moment.

Alex, waiting at the altar, caught sight of Zack. Time seemed to stand still as their eyes met. All the walls Alex had built to contain his emotions crumbled, and tears of overwhelming joy streamed down his face. In that moment, he realized that his life was about to transform profoundly as he was on the verge of marrying the love of his life.

With each step, the distance between Zack and Alex diminished. The room resonated with a quiet intensity, the love and commitment palpable. As Zack reached the altar, Jack gently released his arm, allowing Zack to stand beside Alex.

The couple's eyes locked, conveying a universe of emotions. In that instant, the world faded away, leaving only Alex and Zack standing together, ready to embark on a new chapter as they exchanged vows and promises of a lifetime.

The ceremony carried on, and the officiant got to the part everyone was waiting for.

"I understand the couple has prepare their own vows?"

Alex nodded. As he would start. He took both of Zack's hands and Alex looked deep into Zack's eyes.

"Zack, from the moment our paths crossed, my heart embarked on a journey it never anticipated – a journey that has led me to this sacred moment, standing before you as we promise our forever. Today, in the presence of our loved ones and the universe itself, I vow to cherish, honor, and love you in ways words can only attempt to express.

I promise to be your loyal companion, supporting you in triumphs and and comforting you in challenges. Together, we are an unbreakable force. Zack you are my place of solace, warmth, and unconditional acceptance. With each beat of my heart, I pledge to protect our union, where we can both thrive.

As we intertwine our lives, I promise to be your confidant, sharing in the laughter and wiping away the tears. In moments of joy, my laughter will resonate with yours, and in times of sorrow I will be with you."

Zack and Alex were both completely in tears now. As Alex made his vows. Alex felt a sense of peace as he told Zack every promise he full intended to keep.  Zack was wiping  Alex's tears as he spoke..

"Baby, I vow to be patient and understanding, recognizing that we are beautifully flawed in the best of ways. I love every part of who you are – the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I promise to stand by your side, embracing the adventure together.  Zack, I choose you. And I always will.  My heart is yours, Forever. "

Zack squeezed Alex's hand a bit harder as he finished. Showing his support in subtle ways he can.

"And now Zack will share his vows to Alex."
The officiant said aloud.

Zack took a deep breath as he spoke the words he spent days writing, and even longer memorizing.

"Alex, my love. As we stand here surrounded by love, laughter, and a touch of whimsy, I want to make some promises to you – my partner in all things peculiar and wonderful."

Attendees giggled a bit, and Alex grinned at the playfully loving words Zack was speaking. Zack grinned back as he continued.

"Baby,I promise to be the one who dances with you in the living room, whether or not there's music playing, and especially when you decide to pull out a guitar and play me some tune you created in mere seconds. Our life is a dance, and with you, every step is a celebration. I vow to be your co-pilot in our wild adventures, whether we're exploring far-off lands or just trying out a new recipe that may or may not end in a culinary masterpiece. Life is an unpredictable journey, and I'm thrilled to navigate its twists and turns with you."

Zack was poking fun at his own lack of skills. And Alex giggled a bit as he spoke.

"Alex, I promise to be your biggest fan, even when your jokes get a pity laugh or your quirks make the world tilt slightly off-center. Your uniqueness is what makes you extraordinary, and I love every bit of it.

Most importantly, You are my person, the one who sees the beauty in the ordinary and the magic in the mundane. I can't wait for all the weird and wonderful moments ahead – the inside jokes, the spontaneous adventures, and the cozy nights in with our favorite movies. In this grand adventure of life...

I choose you as my fellow explorer, my confidant in silliness, and my forever love. Here's to a lifetime of laughter, love, and embracing the beautifully quirky journey we're on. I am truly Forever Yours. I love you."

Alex couldn't stop smiling as the ceremony continued. Zack's whimsical vows bringing him complete and utter joy.

"Now by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you as husband and husband. You may kiss the groom.

Alex didn't hesitate. He took Zack's face and pulled it to his, locking their lips together in the sweetest way. The kiss sealed their future together, and the rest of their lives began with it.

As Zack and Alex walked down the aisle hand in hand, Zack whispered. "I love you Mr. Gaskarth- Merrick."

Alex beamed at his new name. "I love you too  Mr. Gaskarth- Merrick."

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