Chapter Thirty Six(Alex)

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After Zack's incredibly sweet and surprising proposal, Zack and Alex were in the thick of it when it came to wedding planning. The spare bedroom in their home had transformed into a chaotic command center, scattered with linens, floral arrangements, and various planning documents, and mood boards. Zack, fueled by a mix of OCD and ADHD, was meticulously trying to organize every detail for the upcoming wedding, as he had taken on the main planning role as his work schedule allowed for it a little easier.

Additionally, the house echoed with the sounds of ongoing renovations in the guest bathroom. Which was scheduled to be done before the proposal, and honestly was terrible timing. It made the whole house chaotic. Which was affecting Zack deeply. As chaos and Zack don't quite mix.

One evening, as Alex returned home from work, he found Zack in the midst of a panic, convinced that he had ordered the wrong linens and floral arrangement. Instantly recognizing the distress, Alex rushed to calm him, assuring Zack that they were in this together.

Alex embraced his fiancé and wrapped his arm around him as Zack sat on the guest room bed, his knees and a the sky blue teddy bear from their first carnival date pulled to his chest. Munchkin was sitting next to him, looking concerned. "Hey. My love it's ok. Let it out. I can tell that you are at your limit. I promise we are in this together. Let's figure it out together as soon as you feel safe to do so."'

Alex just held Zack as he cried, and rambled between his tears about how he is too overwhelmed and cannot handle it anymore.

"Oh my love. I am sorry you are so weighted down by this pressure. I feel horrible. I promise I make sure to be a bigger help, and we have so much support surrounding us we should use more." Alex said as he kissed Zack's shoulder and rubbed his back.

"You think people are willing to help me?" Zack said, lowering his knees and bringing his eyes to meet Alex's.

Alex took advantage of Zack lowering his knees and pulled his muscular fiancé on to his lap in the bed, to just cradle him while they spoke. "Absolutely! My mom has been itching to help you. She has been begging me practically,wanting to spend time with you. But I selfishly take along your time." Alex said with a gentle kiss to Zack's lips.

"Run me through this week first,I can see where I can help and where she can help." Alex suggested. Helpfully.

"Ok, so Tuesday, meaning tomorrow we have a final cake tasting, a meetings with caterers, and then in two days on Wednesday, we have a crucial venue meeting. Then in three days, on Thursday we are supposed to pick up the centerpieces and the linens. And then Wednesday next week we have our final tux fittings with Rian and Jack, and a meeting with the videographer/photographer, and then we have the rest of the week free. And then the week after is wedding week, As our wedding is officially 3 weeks away as of this Saturday." Zack spewed out. While Zack spoke, Alex was putting calendar appointments and notes in his phone to keep track. Alex knew Zack had it all in his planner that never left his side these days.

Alex grinned in excitement. "Baby aren't you more excited! I get to marry the love of my life in 3 weeks. That incredible! On wedding week do you have anything major I need to go to? I have the whole week off, I just don't know if you scheduled me for anything wedding week."

Zack nodded. "We both have haircuts, and dyes scheduled. I know you said you wanted to go blonde for the wedding and I am going to dye my grey."

Alex gasped. "NO! No please, please keep it. I love your grey hair!" Alex exclaimed nuzzling his face into the side of Zack's head.

Zack giggled a little. "I know, but I want to be greyless in our wedding photos and while I know you love my grey hair, I want it gone. And I am so excited to see you go blonde again." Zack said as he climbed off Alex's lap. Seating himself next to Alex on the bed, much calmer now.

"Ok, so I am going with you tomorrow. I will call Dad in a bit and call out of work. I want to be helpful and supportive."

Since he worked for his dad, overseeing the shipping department, he needed to inform him about his absence. Together, Zack and Alex devised a plan to have Alex's mom come over to assist Zack when Alex couldn't be around.

"ZACK! ARE YOU OK?" Jack hollered out as he entered Zack and Alex's house, rushing over as soon as possible when Zack called him in a panic earlier.

"In the guest room!" Zack hollered out.

Alex smiled as Jack entered the room. "Hey Jack!"

Jack smiled gratefully at Alex. "Hey Alex, I see you calmed Zack down as much as possible."
Alex nodded. "I tried, but his best man may help. I am going to go get us all a few beers. Be back in a minute."Alex gave Zack a sweet kiss as him and Jack swapped out spots on the bed.

Later that evening, Rian had joined them, he brought them all pizza as the four of them continued to work on wedding arrangements.

Alex sat with Jack reviewing seating arrangements and RSVP spreadsheets. While Rian and Zack were in the basement doing a workout in Zack's home gym. Letting off some steam. As Rian suggested it and Zack jumped the chance to take a break.

Alex and Jack were going back and forth across referencing the guest list. Alex sighed as he reviewed the information. "Jack, can I say something?"

Jack nodded as he bit a slice of pizza. "Yeah of Course Alex."

"I keep noticing how the guest list is mostly people from my family or the guest list my mother sent me, but, the people invited on Zack's behalf are people you reached out to for him, like your parents, or some high school friends." Alex continued.

Jack nodded slowly. Gathering where this is going. "Yup. And?" Jack was not trying to be hostile but the thought of Zack's father and frankly Zack's whole extended family his blood boil.

"Should we gently suggest he reach out to his dad? I hate the guy probably as much as he does maybe more for how he treated Zack, but maybe he could use our wedding as a way to mend fences and start over with his father?" Alex suggested with an edge to his voice. The edge there because he also had uncontrollable anger towards Zack's father.

"If he goes to talk to his father we have to go with him. We HAVE TO. Zack can't do that alone. It will affect him too much." Jack said as a warning.

"What can't I do alone?" Zack said as he entered the dimming room where Jack and Alex were sat.

Zack sat in the seat next to Alex. And Alex took Zack's hang gently. "Baby... you don't have to, but I was thinking that. maybe you could use our wedding as a way to mend fences and start over with your family, including your father."

Alex spoke gently and Jack nodded along in support as Rian was still in the bathroom.

Taking a moment to contemplate, Zack looked at Alex. "I have been thinking about this before this conversation , I had decided I want to extend an invitation to my dad. As long as you both accompany me."

Jack and Alex both nodded. "Absolutely. I want to emphasize the need for caution- this is not allowed to ruin you Zack."

Zack nodded. "I know. Thank you."

The wedding countdown continued, but with a newfound sense of support and a plan in place to navigate the challenges that arose.

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