Chapter Ten(Zack)

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Around 8:30 Zack's phone started ringing relentlessly, groaning Zack rolled over pulling away from Alex's grip, squinting as he looked at the ID caller. Sighing he picked up his phone and answered "Hey Mark" Zack said
"Can you come to work today?"
"Not easily"
"We had a flood in the basement of the gym, going to need all hands on deck to move equipment and mop the floor"
Zack stood up looking out of his bedroom window and observing the weather before responding "Can't, my road is flooded, most cars have water leaking into the engine" Zack explained
"Zack" Mark sighed
"What? I'm not putting myself in danger for work, nor am I risking blowing out another car engine" Zack exclaimed.
Mark sighed audibly on the other end of the line, understanding Zack's predicament but also feeling the pressure of the situation at work. "I get it, Zack," he said, his tone sympathetic. "But we need all the help we can get to sort out this mess. Is there any way you can make it in?"

Zack rubbed his temples, feeling torn between his sense of responsibility for his job and his safety. Glancing back at the sleeping form of Alex beside him, he knew he couldn't risk venturing out into the flooded streets.

"I'm sorry, Mark," Zack said finally, his voice tinged with regret. "But I just can't make it in today. The roads are too dangerous, and I can't risk getting stranded or worse."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Mark let out a resigned sigh. "Alright, Zack," he said wearily. "I understand. Just stay safe, okay? We'll figure something out here."

Zack nodded, feeling a pang of guilt at not being able to help his colleagues in their time of need. But as he ended the call and turned back to Alex, he knew he had made the right decision. His priority was keeping himself and his loved ones safe, even if it meant sacrificing a day of work.

As he settled back into bed, wrapping an arm around Alex's sleeping form, Zack couldn't help but feel grateful for the warmth and comfort of their shared embrace.

The thundering stopped while they were sleeping, now it was just heavy rain and 100mph wind.

SIghing Zack kisses Alex's cheek before grabbing a jumper and a pair of joggers before going to the bathroom and jumping into the shower, Once he finished in his shower and fully dried and dressed Zack made his way to the living room noting how Jack and Rian were sleeping practically on top of each other. A small grin broke out on his face as he grabbed Jack's phone snapping a photo of the duo, before replacing the home screen of Zack and Jack front row at a fall out boy concert with the photo of the sleeping duo.

Zack placed the phone down next to Jack before walking to the kitchen and turning the kettle on.

"Fuck off" Jack groaned covering his ears with a pillow "Too early" Jack added sleepily

"I'm not fucking off out of my apartment" Zack responded as Zack reached for the mugs, his hand slipped, causing one of them to tumble to the floor with a loud clatter. He winced at the noise, hoping he hadn't woken Jack and Rian.

"Oops, sorry about that," Zack muttered sheepishly, bending down to pick up the broken pieces of the mug. But in his haste, he accidentally knocked over another mug, sending it crashing to the ground as well.

"Damn it," Zack cursed under his breath, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment. He wasn't usually this clumsy, but the early hour and lack of sleep seemed to be taking their toll on him.

Jack groaned from the couch, rolling over to peer at Zack with bleary eyes. "What's going on?" he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep.

"Just a little accident," Zack replied, his cheeks still tinged with red as he hastily cleaned up the mess. "Nothing to worry about."

Rian stirred beside Jack, blinking sleepily as he sat up to survey the scene. "Everything okay?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, just a minor mishap," Zack reassured them, offering a sheepish smile. "But don't worry, I'll have coffee ready in no time."

Jack crawls out of Rian's embrace walking over to the kitchen pushing Zack into a seat "stay" Jack grumbled as he picked up the final shards of glass "Where are your meds?" Jack asked as he threw out the shards.

"Uhh-" Zack paused to think "by the sink?" he offered

Jack nodded as he grabbed the pill bottle "Zachary Merrick!" Jack snapped turning to look at his best friend "How long have you been out of meds" Jack questioned sharply "I swear to god"

Zack flinched at the tone in Jack's voice looking at the kitchen floor "I... I'm not sure," Zack admitted sheepishly, avoiding Jack's gaze. "I think I might have forgotten to refill my prescription."

Jack sighed, his frustration evident as he shook his head. "You can't keep doing this, Zack," he said firmly, his tone softened with concern. "Your medication is important for managing your ADHD. You know that."

Zack nodded, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. He knew Jack was right – his medication helped him stay focused and organized, but he tended to forget to refill his prescription, especially when life got busy.

"I know, Jack," Zack said quietly, his voice tinged with remorse. "I'll make sure to refill it as soon as possible. I promise."

Jack studied Zack for a moment, his expression softening as he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I know you will, Zack," he said gently. "But in the meantime, try not to be too much of a menace."

"Order a refill now" Rian spoke from the couch still laying on the couch turning to Face the two. "No Alex?" he asked taking note that there were only three

"Still passed out on my bed" Zack responded

"Typical always the last up" Rian said shrugging.

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