25. Will You Marry Me? Pt. 1

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"Mama, how did you meet Daddy?" I asked my mama. 

"Oh Riah, when I met your father, it was magical love at first sight. We were at a party, and I was dating this guy that my best friend set me up with. He was nice, but there was no spark. Things were just mildly okay." My mama says.

"Was he ugly?" I asked her. 

"No, not ugly, just okay. But anyway, the date was not going so well and so I headed outside for some air, it was a nice summer day. I had one halter poodle skirt dress that was all the rage in our time." My mama says, and I envision her as the beautiful woman I knew her to be. My mama is still beautiful, but I miss her full luscious hair. 

My prayers were not answered, and my mama lost all her hair six months ago. Now, all she wears is head scarves and wigs. My father still finds her beautiful, and so do I, but I am nervous she is not going to get better. 

"Well, your father was out with this girl who was obviously not as pretty as me." My mama says, and my father, who just arrived home, smiled at us. 

"Hey, I don't date ugly women." He says, kissing my mother's forehead and then mine. My mother and I were snuggled up on the couch, spending time together. 

"I didn't call her ugly. All I said was she wasn't as pretty as me, I mean, was she?" My mama asked my daddy. 

"Couldn't hold a candle to you, babe." My father says, and I smile. 

"See told you, okay where was I?" My mama asked me. 

"Magical love at first sight." I say as I try to envision how it happened. I heard this story before, but I never grew tired of it. 

"Oh yeah, that's right. So, I was outside, and I was enjoying the calmness of the moon when your father came outside and began hiding behind a car. He was obviously trying to hide from his date, and he accidentally falls on the ground, trying to duck and hide from this girl. I laugh at his clumsiness, and I go to help the poor soul. I outstretch my hand to help him, and our eyes connect. Your father has the best eyes I have ever seen, and on that night, they sparkled. Then our hands connected, and we both felt sparks. As he stood up and we smiled, exchanging names, the most beautiful song began to play." My mother says, and before longing, my father plays him and Mama's special song.

"May I have this dance?" He asked my mama. 

"Just like that, he asked me that night, and just like that night, I took his hand and told him yes." My mama says, and I watch her and my father dance. It was beautiful to see, and I wish one day when I met that special one, it would be just as magical as my parents. 

Present Day 

Michael's Point of View: 

"Good morning, Michael." Mother says as I was in the kitchen making Sariah some breakfast. After hanging out with my mother and sisters yesterday, she had dinner with Kahlani catching up and spending much needed time together. That allowed me to make the plans I made today. 

"Good morning, Mother, how are you?" I say, putting the final touches on some French toast for Sariah. 

"I'm good. You are especially perky this morning. Why is that son?" Mother asked me, and I know she has been keeping a close eye on me and Sariah since we haven't been around the house much.

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