24. Home is Where the Heart Is

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November 29th

Dear Journal,

Today is Thanksgiving and my whole family is finally getting together since we have stop being a music group. Joseph is not happy about the group dissolvement, but he couldn't really complain since my newest song for Jermaine is number one on the music charts. His upcoming tour starts this winter and since it will be his first big solo concert, we are going to celebrate by being at his show instead of having our annual Christmas family dinner. 

Of course everything has to be changed for the favorited son. I am going to miss seeing my cousins and extended family, but luckily, I get to see my cousin Hilda May, she loves Peter Pan just like me and the only one of my cousins who doesn't think I am weird or is obsessed with worshipping my brother, who my family think is just the greatest. 

Present Day

Sariah's Point of View:

"Are you excited to be heading home for Thanksgiving?" Monica asked Michael as we were on the private jet that Jermaine chartered.

"I am always excited to see Mother." Michael says as I stare out the window of the plane. My second time coming to L.A. This time, we are staying for longer than we did before, and I am also going to see my girl, Kahlani. It felt nice being around others who made me feel welcomed other than just Michael and our usual company. Working at the hospital has been stressful especially because I work around Colin. 

"How about you, Sariah? Happy to see the Jackson clan again?" Jermaine asked me, and I pulled myself from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I am looking forward to spending the holidays with your family. They are so warm and loving. And I have fun catching up with Mother Katherine." I say smiling, thinking about how good it felt to feel a part of a family again.

"That's good cause Mother loves you, maybe just as much as me." Michael says, kissing my knuckles.

"You are too sweet sometimes." I say, smiling and leaning over to give him a kiss.

"So, which one of you have spoken to Josie lately?" Monica asked.

"I have. She wants to know how your counseling is going. I told her I was going to let you two tell her. But how is it going?" Michael asked before he gave me yet another kiss.

"Obviously not as good as you two have it." Jermaine mutters, and we stop the PDA to hear them out.

"Sorry." I say as they must be getting tired of seeing us giving each other displays of affection.

"It's going okay, we don't hate each other which is good, but there are still some lingering issues to work through." Monica says.

"Yeah, like her inability to support my dreams in music or this crazy notion that I don't care about her anymore." Jermaine says, venting his frustrations.

"Me? Give it up Jermaine your music glory days are over. You haven't had another hit since your brother stopped writing your music for you. That last song Randy wrote for you only made it to number fifteen on the charts. You are living in the past instead of in the present with me. I sat through countless tours and concert groupies, even many missed birthdays and anniversaries to make it to this point with you. When will I become a priority, Jermaine? When will I get to have your attention for more than just a few minutes or a photo op. Unless I am giving birth or tending to our child, I am feeling like second rate garbage to you." Monica yells and there and lies their problem.

"Over? My music days are the reason you can even be in diamonds and pay for your weekend trips to Milan, Paris, and Rome. How do you want me to spend time with you, but you are never home when I am. I do care about you, baby, and you have missed just as many awards shows and dedications as I have missed birthdays. When was the last time you cooked for me, did something for me that was not beneficial to you? I have stood by while you have pined over old flames my little brother included, and what am I to you? Just a punching bag to hurdle all your regrets and insults at? If you feel like second rate garbage, then that is a breakthrough in this relationship and you coming close to understanding how I feel every day I am with you." Jermaine yells back obviously angry and hurt.

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