8. Home Sweet Home

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August 28th 

Dear Journal, 

Tomorrow is my birthday and Mother has promised me that it will be a family day filled with fun and Joseph promised he will be there. I know they are separated because he cheated on my sweet, wonderful mother, I told her he didn't have to come if it would make everyone happy. She said she wouldn't be happy unless her whole family is there. My relationship with Joseph is still kind of rocky since I quit music and decided to be a teacher. 

I am hoping that he doesn't try to make fun of my profession tomorrow because I don't know how much longer I can hold my peace. I mean I am really helping the children of Los Angeles and my class love all the things I teach them. If it's not my profession, it's the fact that I was single and how I need to meet someone. Well, it is not my fault that most women I have met are already spoken for. I am taking my time and waiting for love to come. Besides he is the last one to talk when he couldn't take care of my mother's heart. 

I am just hoping to get through to tomorrow and prepare for my new class in the coming days, my summer class has ended a week ago and I am already missing teaching. Wish me luck and God be with me, Joesph knows how to push my buttons and Jermaine is my only help in standing up to him...I can't wait to see my brother...

Present Day 

Sariah's Point of View: 

He has friendzone me and it brought me back to reality, I don't know why I even took offense to it in the first place. He is my client, and I am here to do a job that does not entail me falling for the sweet guy that he is. He has made it clear that those type of feelings are off the table what is wrong with me. 

Maybe it was the fact that I find him to be really interesting, or maybe it's my menstruating cycle being back in orbit, and this is false hormones playing tricks on me. Or maybe I am just a fool because I like a man who is still probably in love with his ex. 

No matter the reason I have to shake off these feelings for my boss and focused on his health plan and his needs, not my own. I am awake at six in the morning ready to help Michael start his day. I got ready and headed out of the guest room and towards the room I saw him go into last night. 

I noticed this is a lot of estate for one woman to have and I wonder if she will still be safe here when we leave. Her house was equally twice the size of Michael's in New York and I guess for good reason. He told me his whole family grew up here and he lived here up until he decided to move to New York. 

"Michael are you awake?" I knock on his door after I got ready and wore my scrubs, when I arrived with him, I was in jeans and a t-shirt. 

"Aoww!!!" He screams out and I open the door to find him crouched over in bed. 

"Michael you are in a pool of sweat..." I say as I feel his head and he is warm. 

I rush into his suitcase and get his travel size medical kit bag as I look for the thermometer. I take his temperature and notice he has a slight fever. Getting a cool compress, I place it on his head and knew this is one of his flare-ups. 

I rush downstairs with the ginger root powder and figs I had packed, I rush in the kitchen and try to find a blender. I look for ten minutes a bit stressed but finally after looking in almost every cupboard I find one. 

I mixed the powder and figs together with some water and a little baking soda. I carefully rush back to him as he was on the brink of tears in pain. 

"Michael, you need to drink this..." I say to him as he groans. 

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