10. Don't Let Go....

139 8 84

December 31st 

Dear Journal,

I have found love underneath the disco ball. Her name is Monica LaRue. She is from San Francisco, but has recently moved to L.A. We talked and danced all night; she loves music and I appreciate her kindness and her beauty. The night was magical, I often dreamt about having a night like tonight. We kissed, and her lips were intoxicating. I could bask in them forever.

I may have found my forever love, and now I have to go back on that promise. I won't give up on love. It deserves a chance. I deserve Monica LaRue...she might just be Mrs. Jackson in the future....

Present Day

Sariah's Point of View:

He kissed his ex after flirting with me this whole time. I knew I should have never let my guard down with him. I mean, he is my boss after all, and on many occasions, he made it apparent that we were only friends. The week at his family house couldn't have ended any quicker, and now we were back home and back to our old routine.

I cook, clean, and give him his daily regimen of smoothies and medicines. He stays isolated in his room, reading different books. Since being back, he has been ignoring Monica's calls, but I don't know why he is trying to hide something from me. I could care less that he wants to be a backstabbing asshole. But I guess my facial expressions haven't done well to relay that either since he has been ignoring me too.

Dr. Davis has visited with him, and I made sure to just leave him to his doctor visit. I don't know why my silly heart wants to feel heartbroken. I mean, he was never mine to be getting hung up over anyway.

"Sariah!" I hear his annoying voice over the intercom, and I sigh I hate that I can't stand him but feel a beat within my heart that thumps anytime he calls my name.

"Yes?" I asked him not being able to look him in his beautiful eyes since the debacle. I am scared I would go off on him and if I did, I don't want to say anything hurtful.

"Have you been practicing your piano patterns? I think it is time to teach you a song." He says, giving me a fleeting smile.

"Uh, not tonight, I have somewhere to be. Nayelli is actually going to sit with you tonight." I say to him as he scowls.

"Oh? Why am I just hearing about this?" He asked me, and I know he doesn't have the nerve. If you would have talked to me for the last two weeks maybe I wouldn't have made these plans.

"Well, since you have been in the room all day, I didn't want to disturb you. I will be out most of the night and might not be back until much later, so is there anything you need from me before I go get ready? Nayelli will be here in ten minutes." I say to him as he deeply scowls now.

"Where are you going?" He asked me, and now here is his audacity. I am going far away from here before I cry over someone who obviously don't want me. 

I have never felt like this before, he makes me feel so different inside. I want to shy away and walk on eggshells for fear of hurting him or him shutting me out completely. I never walked on eggshells for anyone.

"I believe that would be crossing boundaries, sir. But if you must know I am going into town. Is there anything you need before I go?" I say to him, keeping it short and to the point. Like most of our conversations lately.

"Uh no, enjoy your time." He says, giving me a half-hearted smile. Damn he looked gorgeous even when he didn't try.

I turn on my heels and start getting ready to prepare myself for a much-needed time away from the house. 

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