After dinner, everyone went to their respective rooms except Mrs Kim and Jungkook, who were making herbal tea for Jungkook. "Drink this daily. The elders say that drinking this tea can help relieve internal pain. It is going to help you in getting back your former body and health." she said, stirring the pot. Jungkook nodded. "You are supposed to meet with the doctor the day after tomorrow, right?" she inquired. "Yes. There will be an ultra scan." he said. "What about medicines? Is it over?" she asked, pouring tea into a mug. "Mm. "Two more left," he said, taking the hot mug from her. "Um. "Drink it and go to bed," she advised before taking the pot to wash. "No. Mom. I will do it. You go and sleep." He grabbed the pot from her hands and began washing it right away. Mrs Kim smiled, petted his head briefly, and went to her room.

Jungkook was wiping the induction when he sensed a presence nearby. He turned and retreated two steps so as not to touch the other person's face because they were standing so close to him. "What the heck? Do you want to stand on my feet?" Jungkook gritted his teeth as he looked at the boy's face. "I was checking." Yeonjun said. "Checking? Why? Aren't you not tired of testing my husband's patience?" he demanded angrily. "I knew how to defend myself, but I decided to back off that time." he said, twisting his wrist. "You? Haha. Aren't you sleepy? Is that why you are disturbing me?" Jungkook gulped down the tea and went to wash the mug. "Why are you always wearing baggie sweat shirts?" he asked, gazing at Jungkook from toe to head, who was washing the mug, wearing a sweatshirt and shorts. "My dress and my choice." he replied and kept the washed mug on the kitchen counter. He wiped his hands and turned off the light before walking out of the kitchen. "Well, you look gorgeous in these adorable dresses, and I especially love your long, well-defined legs." Jungkook stopped near the doorway and turned to face him. "I understand your hormonal changes, but keep in mind that I am your brother-in-law and.." "Not in shorts, he looks extremely stunning in bare legs. But nobody is lucky enough to see it other than me." Jungkook turned and saw his husband walking to him with a sexy smile. "Are you captivated by the sight of your brother-in-law's legs? Mm.. when you look at Jiminie and Jennie Nuna, do you feel the same way? Or is it only him, who is special." Taehyung asked, hugging Jungkook's shoulder. "I do not believe he is fascinated by my legs, but rather by your hands." Jungkook chuckled and leaned his head on Taehyung's chest. Yeonjun glared at both of them. "Not only you, Yeonie, but I also adore his hands. It works miracles." Jungkook smirked, when he saw how he was clenching his jaws. "Tae. I think you should caress him more frequently till he learns to respect the family and family members. Such a waste of twelve years in the military boarding school. Didn't they teach you values and norms? Respect and integrity? Harmony, at least?" he asked in disappointment. "ah. You should have stayed with the family itself. What to say? Don't worry you still have time for everything." Jungkook said, walking out of the kitchen. "Go to your room, before he beat the sh.t out of you." he turned and warned him before going to his room but immediately came back when he saw Taehyung taking long steps towards Yeonjun. "I want you." he said to Taehyung and dragged him along with him. "I think I should deal with you." Yeonjun said to himself by looking at Taehyung's retreating figure.

Taehyung hurled his t-shirt somewhere and began undressing his pants as soon as the two of them entered the room. "Wait.. Wait.. What are you up to?" Jungkook asked, eyeing him up and down. "Didn't you say you want me?" he asked, stepping out of the pants. "I said that only to take you with me or else you might have killed him. It's really hard to get you back to normal when you change into tiger mode." Jungkook said and laid on the bed by wrapping inside the fluffy blanket. "What? How can you do this to me? See, how excited he was." Caressing his noticeable bulge over the shorts, Taehyung asked incredulously. "Cute. Come and sleep now." He tapped the other side of the bed and said. "You are so cruel." Taehyung sulked and went to bed. "Cruel? At least I am letting you sleep in the bed. Actually, I shouldn't have after Mia's disclosure." he said and turned to the other side and closed his eyes. "Are you really going to sleep?" Targeting asked, looking over his shoulder but got only the sound of soft snores as response. He sighed and laid to sleep.

It was around 1 or 2, and Jungkook was still wide awake, trying to figure out how to untangle the situation with Yeonjun. If things continue as they are, his husband will almost certainly kill him, which he does not want in his wildest dreams. Jungkook can not bear the thought of living without Taehyung. Aside from that, breaking the family's peace and happiness is never an option. He rubbed his forehead before turning around. "What happened?" Jungkook was taken aback when he heard Taehyung. He looked at the other person's sleeping face. "You haven't slept?" he asked in surprise. "Mm." Taehyung opened his eyes partially. In a raspy, drowsy voice, he inquired, "What is bothering you?" "Yeonjun," murmured Jungkook. "I will inflict some common sense on his mind tomorrow," he uttered, bringing Jungkook close to his chest and tucking his face into his hair. "I am afraid, Tae." he whispered. "Why? That too when I am with you. He won't do anything." he replied. "Ah. I am not afraid of him but you.Tae, don't do anything that remains as a black mark in our lives." Jungkook said. Upon hearing nothing from his husband, he raised his head. "Tae." He rubbed his face against his chest and called him. "I will consider." he replied. "That means you can't promise, right?" Jungkook pouted. "I had never fought with anyone until they came and did it with me," he said. "Ah." Thinking about the entire screwed up situation, Jungkook pouted again. "Why am I the one in these kinds of situations every time?" He groaned. "Because, you are a golden card which only I own." he replied. "Stop flirting with me." he puffed his cheeks. "Haha. It's a fact." he rubbed his back. "Mm. If not me, then whom you might have married?" Jungkook asked. "Um. Maybe Jimin hyung's second cousin." Jungkook moved a little back and looked at him. "There was a proposal from their family. She was a dentist." He said. "You liked her?" Jungkook asked. "Mm. She was beautiful, 9 out of 10." he replied. "Then, what about me?" Jungkook lowered his gaze, blushing. "2? No. 1.99. "Yes," Taehyung said with pride. "1.99? For bearing through all of your mischievous behavior, envy, rage, and even horniness?" Jungkook shook his head and moved to the other end of the bed. "Haha. If not me, then?" Taehyung asked the same question to Jungkook. "Then, one of your brothers. And will make you fume with jealousy." Jungkook flipped his hair. "I will then kill you and him." Taehyung grabbed his waist and pulled him. "How is it?" Taehyung asked, gently squeezing his lower abdomen. "Fine." he replied. "And this?" he cupped his c.nt and asked. "Mm. Better." He answered in a quiet voice. "I miss my angel." he said and placed a kiss on Jungkook,'s shoulder. "Me too. More than you could ever think." Jungkook's eyes brimmed with tears. "She might be happy and will be playing with stars." he said. Jungkook nodded. "We can go and see the building tomorrow." With a nuzzle to his nape, Taehyung said. "How can you smell like a new born all time?" he whispered. "Ah? Then what do you expect if you brought me sebamed baby skin care kit?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Haha. My bun." he bit his shoulder and closed his eyes to sleep by embracing Jungkook tightly in his hands. be continued..

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