Her breath smacks me in the face—minty with a hint of vodka flavor.

I admire her lovely features as I gaze at her.

Her natural beauty is enhanced by the little freckles on her nose.

A mole-beauty mole lies beneath her right eyebrow tip and her rosy, chubby cheeks.

It doesn't help that our faces are so close together and her full, red plump lips appear so inviting.

Putting aside the sweet treat, I look her back in the eye and move my face in the direction of her ear.

"Do you want to be punished, Belle?" I made a soft, low voice.

Appealing almost.

My spine tingles as her breath crawls up my neck.

Man, get a grip.

She loses her balance, and her hands come across my waist to grasp on to.

"Quite, are we now?" Retracing my steps, I asked her in a humorous tone.

Her face starts to get redder.

With an audible swallow, she looks away.

This makes me laugh out loud unknowingly, and she looks at me startled.

"You'we nwt pissed?" She asks hesitantly; her speech still slurred.

"No. Not until you mess with my car," stating that I head to the passenger side.

Her shoulder relaxed, and a drunken smile returned to her face.

I open the door for her and tilt my head to the side, signaling for her to hop in.

"Let's get you home." The smile disappears as quickly as it appears.

"I don't want to," I heard her whisper under her breath as she studied her raw, natural and unpainted nails.

"Don't want to? So, where do you want to go? Stay on the road." Leaning on the car, I close the door.

Now this girl is acting bizarrely.

"Well, I can slewp in you, cawr." She grins, playing with her skirt at the sides.

"Are you serious? Absolutely not."

I will not allow her to sleep in such an uncomfortable space.

She appears dejected, and her wet eyes make me reconsider letting her go to crash in here.

What in the world am I even considering?

"I'm taking you home." I unlock the car door once again, speaking in an ultimatum tone.

Her mouth opens to reply. 

"And that's final, Amelia." I silenced her protest. She approaches me and lets out a dejected sigh.

Her hopeful expression before settling into the passenger seat starts to grow on me.

I inhaled deeply before settling into the driver's seat and turning on the engine.

"Seat belt." I remind her.

She attempts to grasp the belt with her trembling hands but is unable to do so.

I reach for it as I go closer to her, stopping her where she is.

We are face-to-face, and I can feel her heart pounding just as hard as mine does.

Her eyes traveling on my face, lingering on lips for few seconds.

Clicking of the seatbelt breaks through the tension.

she clears her throat looking away blood running through her neck to the face.

Her gaze swept across my face, resting briefly on my lips.

Tension is released when the seatbelt clicks.

She looks away from me, the blush radiating down her neck and onto her face as she clears her throat.

"Why don't you want to go home?" After a lengthy, awkward silence, I asked her while we headed down the road.

I looked at her, waiting, as there was no answer.

"No reason," liar.

She gives a casual shrug, but I can see those sentiments below.

No matter how hard she tries to hide, I can read her like a book.

After giving her a quick glance, I decided to change the subject.

The time is not yet right.

There was a long pause before she says, "I love your cars."

I was shocked by that confession.

I found her looking around the car, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Narrowing my gaze on her,

"Do you? I assumed you hated all things related to me."

I have no idea why I said it.

Her bottom lip sticks out as she glances at me, her forehead furrowing in indecision.

"Who said that? I don't hate you." I had a sudden sense of contentment upon hearing that.

Immediately, a smile appears on my face.

"Are you smiling? Oh, my god. Mr. Born-with-a-stone-face is smiling." She lets out an exclamation and turns to face me completely.

"Hold on. You have that cute and sexy as fuck dimple, dude."

She's loud in a sweet way.

Her joy caused the grin to morph into a fit of laughter.

She shares my laughter, throwing her head back.

I don't remember laughing so lightheartedly last time. 

The air suddenly grew denser, and our laughter ceased.

She pokes my left cheek with her finger and says,
"You look gorgeous when you laugh, devil,"

Now she's playing with my hormones in a quiet, low voice wanting me to do things to her.

The look on her face doesn't help my slipping control.

Before I do something wrong, I have to bring her home.

She will definitely regret everything in the morning.


(A/N:- Hello. How are you guys doing? You liked the chapter? Let me know in the comments.)

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