Chapter 24

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Amelia's POV:-

Sunlight falls softly and warmly on my face.

I can hear sounds coming from all around me, but I can't identify which voices they are.

My body is immobile, feeling like a rock.

Everything is painful.

My head pounded as though I had been struck by a hammer.

My eyelids seem to be cemented together, making it difficult for me to open them.

My eyes opened slowly after what seemed like a millennium, but I quickly closed them again because of the intense, bright light.

When I attempted to move my head, a throbbing ache struck me. I groaned, but no sound left my mouth.

My throat feels parched.

Oh, my god.

The excruciating ache in my skull never goes away.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a ceiling fan moving on a white, flat ceiling.

"Thank fucking god, you're up." I heard a familiar voice, and as I turned to look at Chris.

I found him standing next to my bed and reaching over to the bedside table for a glass of water.

How come he's here?

Why am I here in this place?

In what place am I?

Observing the surroundings, I assume that this is a hospital.

How am I even here?

Why am I unable to recall anything?

It's that wave of pain all over again.

It aches like a bitch, God.

"Ami. Avoid moving too much. Gulp it down, here." Chris puts a straw in my mouth, and I take a sip from the glass.

Helping me with sitting up against the headboard and then setting up some cushions to support me.

"Wha... What had happened? For what reason am I here?" I can hardly identify the slurred, shaky tone of my speech.

With a shocked expression, he gazed at me.

His face was completely devoid of color.

"Hell no, Ami. Please don't tell me you have no memory at all. Damn it."

What is he talking about?

"I can't remember anything; that's why I am asking you." I deadpan, though my voice doesn't convey it.

"Oh, my god. Doctor, doctor, doctor! Nah, Ami. There is no way for this to happen. Please let me know that you remember me. That kind of memory loss is not possible. It sounds so fictitious. Things like this don't actually happen in real life. Oh, my poor kid. Tell me you remember me."

"Hell, Chris." I cover my ears and attempt to increase my voice, but it's barely audible over a whisper. "Stop screaming."

He seemed to be on the edge of madness.
With eyes popping out and a face devoid of color.

He paced in the room like a crazy person pulling his hair with his hands

God, so over the top.

Daniel ran inside the next instant, fear emblazoned on his face.

A man approaches me with a notebook in his hand, wearing a white coat.

"What is the issue? Why are you yelling?" He asked Chris as he took my temperature and pulse.

"Doctor! Daniel! Ami! Her memories are gone. She cannot recall anything. Not even she can recall me."

I would have wanted to kick his ass if I wasn't lying in a hospital bed.

"Ami, are you okay? How do you feel?" Daniel sat in the chair next to the bed and asked, before shaking his head at Chris.

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