Chapter 23

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Ian's POV:-

I have the need to destroy anything that I come across. 

I'm having a volcano explosion inside of me, yet I look calm enough to mislead everyone. 

Ami was motionless there, and I feared I had forgotten to breathe.

The one who made me smile had blood on her face and was pale. 

It's time to let someone else take the bait now.

I wait at the cemetery entrance, leaning on the hood of my car.

Yes, cemetery.

It's the route to hell. 

I watch Kia's Ferrari 488 come to a stop in front of the gates.

There are moments when I can't believe how much this girl loves pink.

The pink tint on her car.

A car that's fucking pink.

Her toilet seat would probably be pink as well. 
I prefer black.

My sweetheart adores everything black.

And for that, I admire her. 

Kia appears timid and frightened as she gets out of the vehicle.
Timid, my ass.
She smiles at me as our eyes connect, and I feel my fury and hunger for vengeance returning.
This girl's balls.
"Ian. Ian, oh my goodness. This place is really dark. How come you're here? Why won't you answer my phone? I was really worried. I believed that something had happened to you."

As usual, she pretends to be sweet to me, but I can see fear flickering in her eyes.
Yes, it is correct.

I want to make her terrified. 

"Kia. Kia. Kia." I encircle her like a predator while singing her name. 

Her face shifted to something akin to spitting when she traced the tension in my voice.

"Since when do we know each other?" I want to punch the heck out of her, but I ask anyway. 

Well, that's too easy on her.

She is worthy of something better.

Much improved.

"Why are you asking me this? Why, please? Ian, what's going on? Come with me back home. I'm not feeling well here."

Her feet are frozen, her voice trembles with fear, and she just stands there.

"Kia, you answered wrong. Okay, let me explain. I mean, we've been friends since when? kindergarten, right?" She swallows, yet she still smiles.

"Undoubtedly, I remember. How acquainted we once were. We are inseparable. Me and you." Her smile expanded as if she could see the memories flash before her eyes.

We never had a close relationship.

That was her notion.

I didn't really talk to her much.

Delusional to the core.

"So, Kia, tell me. How are you unaware of the consequences of your actions? How are you unaware that you ought to refrain from what is mine? How can you not see how much it irks me when someone touches anything I possess?" Gritting my teeth, I ask.

With every word I speak, I feel horror seeping into her bones.

My girl felt worse.

"Ian, what are you talking about? I'm not able to.... I am not able to figure out a thing."

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