Chapter 16

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Amelia's POV:-

"Wha-at are-e you doing-g?" I can hardly speak over a whisper. 

With one more step, he traps me between him and the wall.

I suddenly lost my ability to breathe. I don't seem to know all of the words and letters. 

He's close.

Too close.

His breath strikes me across the face. 

Dear God.

It feels intimidating. My breathing is strained. 

Instead of answering me, he lowers himself to my level so that he can look me in the eye.

He looks at me. Inside of me. through me.

I am drawn to the Abyss by the shade of blue light in his eyes.

His eyes are a shade darker than usual, and he doesn't even blink. 

It seems like a challenge.

A competition to stare.

You lose if you blink. 

Something sends a chill up my spine.

I can feel my mouth getting dry and find it hard to speak. 

We share the same air and are only centimeters apart. I feel him put one hand on the wall behind me, just next to my head, and move the other hand inside his pocket.

"What do you think I am doing, Belle?" He drops one or two tones in his voice.

Belle? Who is that? 

I doubt that I am even still alive. My heart is pounding faster than a person.

I will have a heart attack.

Only to twist a strand of my hair does he take his hand out of his pocket. 

With such a tenderness, it surprised me.

My brain isn't getting enough oxygen. I've lost my mind. 

Me? Who am I? I'm not sure where I am.
Why am I unable to remember something? Anything?

I try to respond to him, but I can't seem to find how to speak. 

"Do you speak only when you're drunk? Mmm? Is a bottle of alcohol required to get you to talk?" Now he's making fun of me.

A mocking grin appears on his mouth. 

Hello, Mother Earth.

Eat me alive.

I'm ready for you to devour me.

Living like this is too humiliating.

I feel a wave of embarrassment come over me, and I can no longer look at him.

It's overwhelming.

He is too intense.

"You don't remember anything."

It's not so much a question as a statement. He was aware of it. 

I am at a loss of words, so I shake my head.

I believe my voice chords are no longer functional. 

I'm not looking at him yet.

My shoes are more appealing to me.

I realized they needed to be polished.

Suddenly, two of his fingers grasped my chin, forcing me to gaze up into his eyes.

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