Chapter 9

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Amelia's POV:-

Daniel was waiting for me. I saw him standing beside the ladie's restroom.

With a groan, I approach him.
"Let's take a tour of the campus. Come on." I asked him nicely, and he nodded slightly in response.

Wandering in silence,

"Let's start on the first floor."I say, breaking the stillness and grinning a little.

"Alright." He trails me from behind.

I can feel the students staring at me as they pass.

"Hey bitch." As I pass, a student yells from behind.

Daniel reacts, but I don't.

He stops in his steps and gives him a look.

"Come on, Daniel." I inform him, gesturing for him to disregard the remark.

He is still staring at them, but comes right after me.

"You don't need to do that for me." Upon arriving at the design studio, I say: He cocks his head slightly to the side and furrows his brow.

"I can handle myself, you know."

"Like you did moments ago?"For the first time, he asks as we stroll, "Ignoring them?"

"How I handle them is not an issue for you. Therefore, refrain from meddling with my problems." He just gives me glaring daggers but nods in agreement.

We take a tour of the scientific laboratories, engineering studios, gym, and wellness center on the second level after touring the atrium studios, music rooms, and practice rooms on the first floor.

"You'll get used to it in a while." I said. He was strolling a bit behind me when I glanced over my shoulder at him.

We were on the third floor in no time, discussing the events and activities that the school planned.

From his former school, he finds everything to be completely different. All he does is nod occasionally when he hears me out.

Talking to a wall is how I feel right now.


Suddenly, I sensed a hand on my shoulder as we made our way near the football club room.

Daniel was gazing straight ahead as I looked up at him, startled by the unexpected movement.

I held my breath for a few seconds.

Alongside his companion, stands Ian Castillo,

His name is Chris,

I suppose.

Just got out of the shower, damp hair falling across his forehead and his jacket hanging loosely from one forearm, his other hand in his pocket.

I gulp down my saliva as he looks straight into my soul.

His physique was as firm as rock, and his shirt suited him wonderfully.

Cutting out the embarrassing thoughts I can't stop having about him these days, I act unaffected.

When he leaves my personal space, I push Daniel's hand away from my shoulder.

"Why did you do that?" When they are out of sight, I whisper-shout at him.

"Just messing around." He shrugs and smirks, something I don't get the reason for.

"Huh??"Right then, I was completely perplexed.

"Nothing." He gave me a small shove to continue going ahead with my shoulder.

Why do boys have to be so sophisticated?

I gave him a courteous tour of the school, ignoring his nasty ass.

Now he was crossing the path before me.

long limbs.

Observing my own feet, I looked down.


A scream ripped out of me as I was shoved back hard onto the floor, making me shut my eyes.

Icy water suddenly drenched me.


my butt hurts.

"Amelia!" Between a few chuckles, I heard a voice of shock. Daniel is supposed to be the one.

Seeing the person in front of me is difficult since my eyes burn and I feel pain at the same time.

"What the hell is going on? Are you alright?" Daniel held me on my feet with both of his hands as I stood up.

I exhaled deeply to help me clear my head.

"What the hell was that?" Daniel's voice was icy and enraged.

In front of us, still laughing, were two people. One of them was holding a bucket.

Rosey and Crystal.

Kia's goons

They must have felt the rage radiating from Daniel as they stopped laughing.

What's making him so furious?

"You don't have to be worried about that, Daniel. You shouldn't hang around with bitches." Crystal adds in a baby voice, that she only speaks to boys.

"Only bitches I see here are standing right in front of me." Daniel responds sharply while he hands me a napkin from his pocket.

A lovely ache rises in my chest when I see him standing up for me.

That was never done for me by anyone.

"It looks like the witch is already doing her witchcraft." Rosey says, looking at me in a bitter way.


I cut now, ready-to-throw hands, Daniel.

Bloody Testosterone.

"Daniel, let's get moving."

"I have more crucial work to complete." He looked at me.

Disbelief is written all over his face.

I grabbed my bag from where it had dropped into the now-wet floor and handed it to him to carry.

They are both gazing at me as he steps next to me and gives them one more stare.

"And yeah. Kindly walk carefully, you two." I stop, and Daniel pauses too. I say, glancing back at them.

They exchanged puzzled looks.

"You may step on your brains." With their mouths agape and their faces flushed, I giggle.

I turn around and leave the building.

My demeanor is shifting, and my composure is slipping.

Grasping my skirt with one hand, I grip Daniel's napkin with the other.

preventing my fury from overpowering me.

Behind me, I can feel him hot on his heels.

I turn around and put my hand out for Daniel to give me my bag as I see a car speed out of the parking lot.

"Are you okay?" He hands me the bag and asks in a gentle tone I have never heard him use.

"Indeed. I appreciate what you did over there. I'll talk to you later tomorrow."

I didn't wait for his response before running outside to get into my car.

(A/N:- guys do tell me how you are liking the book. I'll upload twice a week if possible otherwise surely on Sunday it is. )

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